IUCr–UNESCO Summit Meetings
IYCr Pan African and South African Summit meeting on Crystallography as vehicle to promote Science in Africa and beyond
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Jointly Organized by:
Under the auspices of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
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Venue: Department of Chemistry, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa |
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Download the Book of Abstract of the PAN African Conference & Summit |
See the photo album (by Marija Zbačnik) | Read the report on the UFS News | Read the UNESCO report
IYCr2014 Pan African and South African Summit Declaration
The IYCr2014 Pan African and South African Summit Declaration took the form of an Appeal letter, with 73 signatories, addressed to the President of the IUCr, the Director of the Science Policy and Capacity Building Division of UNESCO, the President of the European Crystallographic Association, The Commissioner of Human Resources, Science and Technology of the Africa Union, all African Government Ministries of Science and Technology, Higher Education, Scientific research and Education. This letter is published below.
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Initial signatories of the Summit Declaration. Seated at table (from left): Patricia W. Gitari (Kenya), Habib Boughzala (Tunisia), Abdelmalek Thalal (Morocco), Zephirin Yav (DR Congo). Standing: Michele Zema (IYCr2014 Project Manager at IUCr; Italy), Jean Paul Ngome-Abiaga (UNESCO; Gabon), Santiago García-Granda (IUCr; Spain), Andreas Roodt (South Africa; organizer of the Summit meeting). |
17th October, 2014
In celebration of 2014 as the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr) as declared by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA; resolution A/RES/66/28), the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) and UNESCO are leading the year-long activities.
With this document we are pleased to briefly report on the successful 'Pan African Summit of the International Year of Crystallography 2014' (IYCr2014Africa) in Bloemfontein, South Africa, 15-17 October 2014. It provided the opportunity to consider, discuss and review the status of education and research on the broadly defined discipline of Crystallography in countries in the region.
The conference and summit meeting was attended by more than 100 senior researchers, early career researchers, post-doctoral fellows and students representing more than 40 research groups from 32 universities and more than 20 countries, primarily from Africa and Europe, and included decision makers. The delegates were in agreement that there is clearly a sub-optimal level of regional collaboration which requires immediate action. It is our view that supporting the broad discipline of Crystallography will significantly contribute to promoting science in general.
We therefore request through this letter that the IUCr and UNESCO, supported by the European Crystallographic Association (ECA), but also in particular governments of African Countries and via the African Union and the International Council for Scientific Unions (ICSU), all initiate and support further actions to promote regional scientific collaboration. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- pro-actively continue with programmes to ensure that the legacy of the International Year of Crystallography and particularly the promotion of science is preserved;
- over time provide basic diffraction equipment for crystallographers in all countries in the region to allow research activity in Crystallography and balanced partnership collaboration across Africa and beyond;
- facilitate the establishment of National Committees of Crystallography in African Countries and support the activities of the existing ones;
- introduce a scientific visa to ensure mobility of researchers between African nations. Such a visa would allow for the exchange and collaboration between African countries and the sharing of scientific resources and expertise, to address common developmental targets, for the benefit of all.
This scientific visa should be free of charge, be valid for at least a year, and should be issued quickly once certified by appropriate higher education and research bodies; - support training workshops;
- encourage the mobility of researchers within the region;
- promote joint research projects;
- leverage national bodies, institutions and international funding agencies for financial support;
- facilitate regional conferences on the subject of Crystallography and its applications in Africa;
- assist in the promotion of Crystallography and science in education programmes;
- provide the very poor countries with minimal infra structure and materials for research such as powerful computers for data analyses and servers;
- assist in creating a database, listing African crystallographers;
- establish a public awareness and engagement programme that will create fact-based understanding of Crystallography through awareness, dialogue and education in the region.
We further request that the IUCr and UNESCO facilitate the establishment of an African IYCr Cooperation Fund. As a community, we commit to engaging our local academies, funding agencies and/ or governments to provide annual contributions commensurate with each country's economic status. The aim is to raise 80 000 to 100 000 Euro per annum for this fund. We request the IUCr to commit to seed-funding of US$ 20 000 per annum for a three-year period. We further request the IUCr to manage these funds, or any local institution (such as AfCA, once established) nominated by the IUCr.
The funds will support actions such as:
- increasing collaboration and cooperation among scientists in Africa;
- providing seed money for up to two projects per annum initially, involving a minimum of 2 countries in the region, of which at least one should be well established in Crystallography;
- funding for short term visits of up to 3 months for early career researchers;
- supporting training workshops at established centres of Crystallopgraphy or at emerging centres in the region;
- enabling the sharing of facilities within the region.
We envisage the formation of an African Crystallographic Association (AfCA) to support and expand upon the actions above. A steering committee for this has been established at IYCr2014Africa in Bloemfontein.
These actions will enable Crystallography to be used in the promotion of science in the region and reiterate the need for immediate and well defined action.
Signed by those present,
Dear Participant,
I would like to invite you on behalf of the president of the IUCr, Prof Gautam Desiraju and Dr Maciej Nalecz (UNESCO, Director, Executive Secretary of IBSP, International Basic Sciences Programme) to attend the Pan African Conference and Summit meeting in Bloemfontein, which has the ambitious theme of: 'Crystallography as vehicle to promote science in Africa and beyond'.
You probably know by now that 2014 has been declared by the United Nations as the International Year of Crystallography. For an indication of the significant world-wide activities, you are referred to the IUCr website, http://www.iycr2014.org/
As part of the celebrations, three world summit meetings are held during 2014, i.e. in Karachi (Pakistan), Campinas (Brazil) and Bloemfontein (South Africa). The meeting in Bloemfontein will consist of a 2.5-day Conference (12-15 Oct), followed by a 2-day Summit (15-17 Oct).
(i) At the Conference, we will discuss the current state of crystallography in Africa, as presented in some 15 keynote lectures, but also by some 15 young scientists in particular from the English, French and Arab speaking African colleagues. There will also be ample time for presentation of research at poster sessions by students and young scientists, and selected poster presenters will further get the opportunity to present their work on short 'flash' presentations of a few minutes.
(ii) At the Summit, we will focus on how to use crystallography as potential vehicle to expand science in Africa. We particularly there need the inputs from both established and young scientists, but also policy makers.
Significant support has been secured from the South African Government's Department of Science and Technology, the International Union of Crystallography and UFS Chemistry, under the auspices of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA). Please join us at this event in Bloemfontein to contribute to planning, method design and appropriate action and interaction as a unit to assist and use crystallography to contribute to expand science in Africa.
I look forward to welcoming you here in Bloemfontein 12-17 October 2014.
Kind African Regards,
-----------------------------------------------------Andreas Roodt
Chair: IYCr2014Africa
President: European Crystallographic Association
Univ. of the Free State
Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa
Programme (last update: 03 October 2014) | Download the programme (conference + summit) in PDF format
Sunday, October 12, 2014
12:00-17:30 Registration
18:00-20:15 Session I - Opening
Bains Game Lodge
Monday, October 13, 2014
08:00-10:30 Session II
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: A. Roodt (UFS)
08:00-08:40 KN1 L. Barbour (US) Establishing crystallography at the Univ of Stellenbosch
08.40-09:00 Y1 D. Haynes (US) Towards functional materials from multi-component Xtals
09:00-09:30 KN2 D. Billing (Wits) Powder XRD in South Africa
09:30-09:50 Y2 M. Fernandez (Wits) Opportunities for young Crystallographer at Wits & in SA
09:50-10:20 KN3 A. Thalal (UCA) Crystallography In Morocco
10:20-10:30 FPY1 Young Scientists 2x Flash Posters (4+1min each)
10:30-11:00 Tea
11:00-12:40 Session III
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: D. Billing (WITS)
11:00-11:30 KN4 S. Bourne (UCT) Adventures in Chemical Crystallography
11:30-11:50 Y3 A. Brink (UFS) Crystallography in South Africa: thoughts from the young
11:50-12:20 KN5 J. v Rooyen (UCT) From humble beginnings (Electron Microscopy)
12:20-12:40 FPY2 Young Scientists 4x Flash Posters (4+1min each)
12:40-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session IV
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: A. Thalal (UCA, Morocco)
14:00-14:30 KN6 J. Ngoune (Dschang) New 3D Coord Polymer Based on the Cu3(1,2,3-
14:30-15:00 KN7 M. Tredoux (UFS) Mineralogy: Nanoparticles in Geology
15:00-15:30 KN8 H. Boughzala (TEMU) Crystallography in Tunisia: history and future
15:30-16:00 Tea
16:00-18:30 Session V
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: J. Conradie (UFS)
16:00-16:30 KN9 Z. Yav (UKin, DRC) Crystallography in the D. R. Congo
16:30-16:45 Y4 B. Kennedy (UFS) Identifying Minerals in Nanoparticles
16:45-17:05 Y5 S. Kimani (UCT) Biological Crystallography in Chemistry and More
17:05-17:25 Y6 C. Oliver (UCT) Challenges for a young crystallographer at UCT
17:30-17:40 FPY3 Young Scientists 3x Flash Posters (4+1min each)
17:40-18:30 POSTER SESSION 1
19:00 Dinner
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
08:15-10:30 Session VI
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: W.D. Schubert (UP)
08:15-09:00 KN10 C. Esterhuysen (US) Building Crystallography at US as female scientist
09:00-09:20 KN11 O. Munro (UKZN) History and Current Status of XRD Science in UKZN
09:20-09:50 Y7 B. Omondi (UKZN) Challenges for a young Crystallographer at UJ/UKZN
09:50-10:20 KN12 H.G. Visser (UFS) History of Crystallography at UFS: Past, Present, Future
10:20-10:30 FPY4 Young Scientists 2x Flash Posters (4+1min each)
10:30-11:00 Tea
11:00-13:00 Session VII
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: D. Visser (UFS)
11:00-11:20 Y8 P. Mangwala (UKin) Structure Elucidation of Physalins Isolated from Physalis
11:20-11:50 KN13 E. du Plessis (Sasol) XRD in Industry: applications at SASOL
11:50-12:10 Y9 R. Forbes (Sasol) Young Scientist's perspective of XRD at Sasol
12:10-12:40 KN14 M. Lee (NMMU) Electron microscopy at the Atomic level
12:40-13:00 I1 D. Levendis (Wits) High Pressure Crystallography
13:00-14:15 Lunch
14:15-15:45 Session VIII
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: J. Dillen
14:15-14:45 KN15 A. Venter (NECSA) Neutron Diffraction in South Africa
14:45-15:20 KN16 P. Comba (Heidelberg) Structure and Function: From Crystallography to
15:20-15:45 FPY4 Young Scientists 3x Flash Posters (4+1min each)
15:45-17:15 Tea and POSTER SESSION 2
17:15-18:00 Meeting of the SA Crystallographic Society
Chair: C. Esterhuysen
19:00 Dinner
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
08:15-10:00 Session IX
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: H. Boughzala (TEMU, Tunisia)
08:15-08:45 KN17 T. Kroon (UFS) Crystallography and Physics in the South African context
08:45-09:15 KN18 W.D. Schubert (UP) Biological XRD at UP (SA)
09:15-09:45 I2 M. Ntwaeaborwa (UFS) SAASta NRF: Nanomaterials programme
09:45-10:00 FPY5 Young Scientists 3x Flash Posters (4+1min each)
10:00-10:30 Tea
10:30-12:00 Session X
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: D. Levendis (WITS)
10:30-11:00 S1 J.C.A. Boeyens (UP) Establishing Crystallography at the CSIR and WITS
11:00-11:30 S2 L.R. Nassimbeni (UCT) Crystallography at the University of Cape Town
11:30-12:00 A. Roodt (UFS) Closing
12:00-13:30 Lunch
Programme (last update: 03 October 2014) | Download the programme (conference + summit) in PDF format
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
12:00-14:00 Arrival and Registration at C.R. Swart Auditorium, UFS Campus
14:00-15:30 Session I
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: A. Roodt (UFS)
Welcome speeches: Rectorate (UFS); T. Auf der Heyde (SA DST); S. Garcia-Granda (IUCr Exec Comm); G. Pillay (SA NRF); J.P. Ngome Abiaga (UNESCO); M. Zema (IYCr2014 of IUCr); A. Roodt (ECA)
15:30-16:15 Tea
16:15-18:00 Session II
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: M. Zema (Italy/IUCr)
16:15-16:45 SK1 S. Garcia-Granda (Spain) History of Crystallography
17:00-18:00 POSTER SESSION 3
19:00 Dinner
Thursday, October 16, 2014
08:15-10:00 Session III
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: S. Garcia-Granda (Spain/IUCr)
08:15-09:00 SK2 P. Kanyankogote (DRC) Crystallography/ Science in DRC & Central Africa
09:00-09:30 SK3 A. Thalal (Morocco) & H. Bougzala (Tunisia) Overview: Crystallography/ Science in Arabic Africa
09:30-10:00 SK4 P. Steynberg (Sasol) Crystallography/Science in Industry
10:00-10:30 Tea
10:30-11:20 Session IV
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chairs: C. Esterhuyse & A. Roodt
10:30-11:00 SK5 M. Zema (Italy/IUCr) Activities of IYCr2014
11.00-11.20 SK6 J.P. Ngome-Abiaga (UNESCO) UNESCO initiatives in Africa
11:25-12:45 PANEL DISCUSSION 1: 'Current state of Crystallography / Science in Africa'
UFS Senate Hall
Panelists: Auf der Heyde (SA DST); Kanyankogote (DRC); Zema (IUCr); Pillay (SA NRF); SAASta (NRF); Steynberg (Sasol); Venter (NECSA); Ngome-Abiaga (UNESCO); Taylor (UFS); Antalis (Bruker); Thalal (Morocco); Garcia–Granda (IUCr)
Young Scientists: Haynes (US; SA); Gitari (Kenia); Mangwala (DRC); Muller (Namibia); Simon (Nigeria); Traore (Mali); Dina (Madagascar); Brink (UFS)
Core questions:
1. What is the current state?
2. What has Morocco & Tunisia done differently?
3. How was current activity in Francophore countries started?
4. Is it important for Industry?
5. Is it important for Suppliers of Equipment?
6. What has South Africa done differently?
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Session V
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: J. Venter (UFS)
14:00-14:20 SI1 V. Smith (US; SA) TBA
14:20-14:40 SI2 P. Gitari (Kenia) Establishing Crystallography & Nanotechnology in Kenya
14:40-15:00 SI3 T. Muller (Namibia) XRD & kinetics: nitrosyl, cyanide & acetonitrile complexes
15:00-15:30 Tea
15:30-18:15 Session VI
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: M. Ntwaeaborwa (UFS)
15:30-16:00 SI4 M. Zamxaka (SAASTa) SAASTa's role in advancement of Science in SA
16:00-16:15 SI5 R. Dina (Madagascar) Piezoelectric materials from Madagascar by XRD
16:15-16:45 S16 P. Mensah (UFS) Some perspectives from Science in Ghana
16:45-17:00 FPY4 Young Scientists 6x Flash Posters (4+1min each)
17:10-18:15 POSTER SESSION 4
19:00 Dinner
Friday, October 17, 2014
08:15-10:00 Session VII
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: TBA
08:15-08:50 SK6 J. Bradley (WITS) Crystallography for All
08:50-09:15 SK7 P. Antalis (Bruker) From Supplier to OpenLabs in Africa
09:15-09:35 SK8 D. Billing (WITS) Publishing in IUCr Journals
09:35-10:00 SK9 D. Nyanganyura (ICSU Africa) ICSU Africa: Action plan and science activities
10:00-10:30 Tea
10:30-11:30 PANEL DISCUSSION 2: 'Way forward for crystallography/ Science in Africa'
UFS Senate Hall
Panelists: Ngome Abiaga (UNESCO); Bougzala (Tunisia); Taylor (UFS); Schubert (UP; SA); Kanyankogote (DRC); Zema (IUCr); Ngoune (Cameroon); SAASTa (NRF); Mensah (UFS)
Young Scientists: Brink (UFS); Traore (Mali); Aziz (Sudan); Pretorius (UFS); Nibret (Ethiopia); Laza (Madagascar); Gitari (Kenia); Bungu (UFS & Cameroon); Muswema (DRC)
Core questions:
1. Modalities for setting up schemes for Regional Cooperation
2. Setting up of a regional fund for increasing human mobility
3. Regional training centre(s) of crystallography
4. Role of synchrotron /neutron in crystallography
5. Can UNESCO and IUCr help
6. Formation of AfCA (African Crystallographic Association)
11:30-12:15 Session IX
CR Swart Auditorium, UFS
Chair: A. Roodt
11:30-12:15 Conclusion / Declaration / Formation AfCA
12:20-14:00 Lunch
Organizing Committee
Andreas Roodt (chair), roodta@ufs.ac.za, General and Programme
Marietjie Schutte-Smith, chemar@ufs.ac.za, Secretary
Truidie Venter, entergjs@ufs.ac.za, Abstract and local webpage
The IYCr2014 Pan African and South African Summit meeting will be held in C.R. Swart building on the campus of the University of the Free State, which is indicated by the number 44 on the campus map.
Attendees of IYCr2014Africa will be accommodated at Bains Game Lodge, 5 km west of the University of the Free State.
Andreas Roodt
Chair: IYCr2014Africa
President: European Crystallographic Association
Distinguished Professor & Chairperson: UFS Chemistry
Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa
Tel ++27-51-401 9212
Fax ++27-51-444 6384