Special issue of "Chemical News" (in Polish)
To celebrate IYCr2014, the 2014 issue of Wiadomości Chemiczne (Vol.68) features 10 full papers covering different aspects of crystallographic research in Poland and including an article on the history and present state of crystallography in the country.
Full list of contributions:
Crystallography in Poland
Zofia Kosturkiewicz
Structural Transformations in Crystals Induced by Photochemical Reactions
Ilona Turowska-Tyrk, Julia Bąkowicz
Electron Density Distribution in Crystals or How to See the Details of the Electronic Structure of Molecules
Maciej Kubicki
The Importance and Examples of Application of Aspherical Pseudoatom Databanks in Small-Molecule Crystallography and their Potential Use in Macromolecular Crystallography
Paulina Maria Dominiak
The Use of Topological Analysis of Electron Density in Characterization of Noncovalent Interactions
Barbara Bankiewicz, Agnieszka Rybarczyk-Pirek, Magdalena Małecka, Małgorzata Domagała, Marcin Palusiak
High-Pressure Crystallography: How to See the Structure of Materials...Deeper
Anna Olejniczak, Kamil Dziubek, Damian Paliwoda, Witold Zieliński, Marcin Podsiadło, Andrzej Katrusiak
New Methods in Investigations of Polycrystalline Materials
Wiesław Łasocha , Katarzyna Luberda-Durnaś
From Molecular Recognition to Racemic Resolution by Fractional Crystallization of Diastereomeric Salts
Agata Białońska
Structure and Pathogenesis of Disorders Releated to CNG Repeats
Agnieszka Kiliszek, Wojciech Rypniewski
High Resolution Crystallography of Macromolecules
Mirosław Gilski
Contact | Maciej Kubicki mkubicki@amu.edu.pl |
URL | http://old.chem.uni.wroc.pl/wiadchem/wiadch14.htm |
Category | publications |