- Public Lecture to commemorate 25 years of NCCS and kick-off IYCr celebrations in Pune
- NIS colloquium on "Time and space resolved techniques with Synchrotron Radiation beams"
- "Quasicrystals" lecture
- Science Avenue
- Special Session, 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research, “Crystallography in Photon Science”
- University Lectures on CK Zamek
- Führung für KindergartenpädagogInnen und LehrerInnen
- Workshop für LehrerInnen: „Was steckt im Handy?“
- Festival de la cristallographie
- IYCr2014 Opening Ceremony
- Lectures "la cristallographie, une clef de la connaissance"
- The Order of Crystallography
- Danish start of the IYCr
- Satellite session SOLEIL-LLB of the 9th SOLEIL Users' Meeting
- Structural and biophysical methods for biological macromolecules in solution
- Crystals: Beauty, Science, Structure
- L'enigma Escher
- Platonic Solids and Quasicrystals - Moments in the History of Crystallography
- School of crystallization and polymorphism
- Southern African Powder Diffraction Conference and Workshop
- A century of symmetry discovered: a crystallographer's tale
- 293rd Rozhovory seminar
- From Penrose tilings to Siberian glaciers: the extraordinary search for natural quasicrystals
- 2014 International Year of Crystallography: Structure Matters
- National Science Day: Year of Crystallography Lecture.
- III Encuentro de Cristalografía
- IYCr2014 Symposium at Biophysical Society 58th Annual Meeting
- Neutron and X-ray Studies of Advanced Materials VII: Challenges of the Future World — Complex Materials
- Neutron and X-ray studies of Advanced Materials VII - Challenges of the Future World
- Growing crystals for teachers
- IYCr2014 Leuven lecture series
- Crystals: Beauty, Science, Structure
- L'enigma Escher
- Living with crystals
- Platonic Solids and Quasicrystals - Moments in the History of Crystallography
- Explore UT
- 2014: un mondo di cristalli
- CSIR-CDRI symposium on Crystallography in Physics, Chemistry and Biology
- SPring-8 Conference 2014 ~The World of Advanced Photon Science~
- IYCr2014 Leuven lecture series
- Crystal Nano-camp
- Opening ceremony of the celebrations in Portugal
- X-Ray Powder Diffraction: Structural Characterization of Materials
- Giornata di Inaugurazione IYCr2014@UNISA
- XII Discussions in Structural Molecular Biology
- A Celebration of Crystallography in Solid State and Materials Chemistry: Complex Problems and New Solutions in Inorganic Small Molecule Crystallography
- X-ray diffraction: Key to Crystallographic Studies
- The Big Bang Fair
- Structural Biology Symposium
- Structure Elucidation of Crystals by Single Crystal Diffraction Method
- Special IYCr Symposium
- Inauguration of the international year of crystallography in Marseille
- 22nd Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Society
- La Cristallografia a Milano nel centenario della scoperta: Scienze della Terra, Chimica, Polimeri, Scienze della Vita
- Rietveld Refinement of diffraction patterns
- Semaine de l'Etudiant
- L'enigma Escher
- Crystal growth for schoolchildren
- IYCr2014 Melbourne public lecture series
- Wilfrid Laurier Faculty of Science Poster Conference
- Crystals: Beauty, Science, Structure
- National Seminar on Crystallography (43A)
- Crystallography Display for IYCr2014
- L'enigma Escher
- Living with crystals
- Nobel Structures: Celebrating Crystallography
- Platonic Solids and Quasicrystals - Moments in the History of Crystallography
- NAC2014
- Mineralogical Magazine Special Issue
- The World of Crystallography
- Opening session of the celebrations in FCT-NOVA
- Lecture for Geology Students' Association
- NAC2014
- Kristalle - Aesthetik und Anwendung
- Lange Nacht der Forschung
- Lange Nacht der Forschung
- The unusual world of crystallography - from the crystal to the atom
- The Role of Crystallography in the Discovery of the DNA Double Helix
- Strategic pipeline planning: from sample preparation to 3D structure determination with bio SAXS and other biophysical techniques
- What every chemist owes to crystallography
- IYCr2014 Melbourne public lecture series
- Alla Scoperta dei Cristalli: la cristallografia per svelare i misteri della materia e le sue proprietà
- Unveiling of Laue Memorial Plate
- Minerais e cristais nas rochas do Trilho Geológico de Beja/Minerals and crystals in the rocks of the Beja Geological Trail
- O melhor da cristalografia em 180 minutos
- Polish Crystallography: Past, Present and Future
- Exploring the nanoworld
- Macromolecular Crystallography School "From data processing to structure refinement and beyond"
- International Year of Crystallography at FCT-NOVA
- One-day seminar on IYCr, 294th Rozhovory
- World Earth Day Conferences
- CRYSTAL 29 (the 29th Biennial Conference of the Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand)
- The Discovery of X-ray Diffraction: from Crystals to the Structure of DNA
- One day Symposium on Recent Applications of X-ray Crystallography
- 4th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (4th PYCheM)
- Bruker OpenLab Pakistan
- Crystallography Display for IYCr2014
- Entre Art et Sciences: le Corail en Images, de l'Animal au Cristal
- ISFC 2014
- L'enigma Escher
- Lecture by Professor Noam Adir at FCT-NOVA
- Living with crystals
- Nobel Structures: Celebrating Crystallography
- Platonic Solids and Quasicrystals - Moments in the History of Crystallography
- The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry
- XII Edition SoNS School
- 4th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (4th PYCheM)
- ISFC 2014
- Platonic Solids and Quasicrystals - Moments in the History of Crystallography
- Bruker OpenLab Pakistan
- XII Edition SoNS School
- International Year of Crystallography: Joint scientific meeting of the Section of Physical Sciences, the Section of Chemical Sciences and the Section of Biological Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- La doppia elica del DNA: la storia della scoperta
- Agilent OpenLab Argentina
- Crystals in nature and technology
- Jornadas de Investigación y Extensión de la Facultad de Ciencias UCV
- Crystallography Lecture Series
- Lecture by Doctor Margarida Archer at FCT-NOVA
- Powder Diffraction Course for MS and PhD Students
- IX Encuentro Mirandino de Ciencia y Tecnología
- „Kristalle : die Erforschung ihrer Eigenschaften im Wandel der Zeit"
- Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography
- Residual Stress and Texture Analysis by X-ray
- Guided Exhibition of Crystals and X-Ray Diffraction equipment
- Structural Characterization of Materials using X-ray Diffraction of Polycrystalline Samples
- "From Batteries to Biological Machines: Crystallography Frontiers - Everyday Materials"
- 3rd School for young scientists on physics of nanostructured and crystalline materials
- 5th Meeting X-ray and other techniques in investigations of the objects of cultural heritage
- International Summer School of Crystallography at DESY Hamburg
- "Des cristaux aux bijoux" ("From crystals to jewellery")
- Nobel Structures: Celebrating Crystallography
- Novosibirsk Science Festival EUREKA!FEST
- 4th Turkish National Crystallographic Meeting
- The International Year of Crystallography IYCr2014 at Siena
- 3rd ASEAN Synchrotron Science Camp
- IYCr2014 Melbourne public lecture series
- What do we owe to Crystallography - Protein Crystallization Workshops
- IV Workshop of Applied Crystallography to Materials Science and Engineering
- Outdoor Classroom of Science Experiment in EXPO Park
- Setmana de les matemàtiques
- ACA Meeting 2014
- University of Malaya Chemical Crystallography Symposium 2014
- Lecture by Doctor João Morais Cabral at FCT-NOVA
- Crystals, Forbidden Symmetries & Quasi-Crystals
- „Die Genese von Großlagerstätten in Raum und Zeit“
- 4th International School of Crystallization: Drugs, Foods, Agrochemicals, Minerals, New Materials (ISC2014)
- E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting
- Bruker OpenLab Morocco
- Crystallography Display for IYCr2014
- Entre Art et Sciences: le Corail en Images, de l'Animal au Cristal
- Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit
- Exhibition "World of Crystals"
- In the unusual world of crystals - exhibition
- International School of Crystallography: 47th Course
- Kristalle - Kunstwerke der Natur
- L'enigma Escher
- La doble belleza de los Cristales
- Lattices and invisible rays
- Living with crystals
- Los minerales: Año internacional de la Cristalografía
- The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry
- Entre Art et Sciences: le Corail en Images, de l'Animal au Cristal
- Taller Alvaro Reynoso (Workshop Alvaro Reynoso)
- We wanted to see the atoms: 100 years of crystallography
- 25th Russian Conference on Electron Microscopy
- Yale Rigaku Symposium on X-ray Diffraction
- Cheltenham Science Festival
- GMT2014 Tavagnasco mineralogical days
- International School of Crystallography: 47th Course
- Crystals! at Unimi
- Lecture by Doctor Giuseppina Padeletti at FCT-NOVA
- PANalytical OpenLab Ghana
- Struktura 2014
- Special session for IYCr2014 at the annual meeting of the society of fiber science and technology Japan
- 18th International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids
- International Expo/Sir Workshop
- La simmetria, i cristalli, le strutture, Escher, le opere, le mirabili molecole io canto
- In the unusual world of crystals - exhibition
- II lukowian festival of science and culture
- V Session of MSc and PhD Students of chemistry of academic and research institutions from Lodz
- 14th European Powder Diffraction Conference
- Kristallklare Erkenntnisse in der biologischen Forschung – Ein Beitrag zum UN-Jahr der Kristallographie
- 12th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science
- Bruker OpenLab Morocco
- Joint Congress of Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium-2014 and 11th International Workshop on Crystal Growth of Organic Materials
- 1st International Symposium on Halogen Bonding (ISXB-1)
- Northwest Crystallography Workshop 2014
- Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting
- Lecture by Professor Robert Huber
- 2nd Australian Advanced Methods in Crystallography Workshop
- Impact of Crystallography on Modern Science
- La doble belleza de los Cristales
- The 235th SPring-8 Seminar
- RiAus PDplus: Crystallography
- DUPAN Powder Diffraction Workshop and Symposium
- XXIV Symposium of the Specialized Group on Crystallography and Crystal Growth (GE3C)
- Caracterización de Materiales Policristalinos mediante Técnicas de Difracción de Rayos X
- Crystallography at the Night of Science 2014
- Crystallography for Chemists: A Hands-On Workshop at the University of Montana
- Exhibition "World of Crystals"
- International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry
- The 1st FEBS-INSTRUCT practical crystallization course in the middle EU "Advanced methods in macromolecular crystallization VI"
- L'enigma Escher
- Aus der Mineraliensammlung des Krahuletz-Museum in Eggenburg: Neufunde – Neuerwerbungen – Schätze der Studiensammlung
- Crystallography Display for IYCr2014
- Crystallography for Humankind
- Crystallography in everyday life"- Travelling photo-Exhibition
- Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit
- Kristalle - Kunstwerke der Natur
- Lattices and invisible rays
- Living with crystals
- Los minerales: Año internacional de la Cristalografía
- The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry
- "X-ray Crystallography" Structure, Function & beyond
- Biocrystallography for the high-throughput era
- Chai and Why? (Science Cafe) : As clear as crystal
- International Conference "New frontiers of nanomaterial technologies for applications in biology and medicine"
- Rigaku OpenLab Cambodia
- BACG 2014: 45th Annual Conference of the British Association for Crystal Growth
- ACA Summer Course in Chemical Crystallography
- IYCr2014 Symposium celebrating Barkla, Bragg and Shechtman
- IYCr2014 Melbourne public lecture series
- Kristalle - Kunstwerke der Natur
- University of Malaya Pharmaceutical Co-Crystal Symposium 2014
- Kashiwa Library, The 3rd Science Café Event “A process until artificial DNA is produced from the crystal of DNA”
- Farbe Einmal Anders: Photonische Kristalle In Natur Und Forschung
- „Farbe einmal anders : Photonische Kristalle in Natur und Forschung“
- ESTEEM2 electron crystallography workshop
- Aus der Mineraliensammlung des Krahuletz-Museum in Eggenburg: Neufunde – Neuerwerbungen – Schätze der Studiensammlung
- Bruker OpenLab Uruguay
- Crystallography Display for IYCr2014
- Crystallography for Humankind
- Crystallography in everyday life"- Travelling photo-Exhibition
- Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit
- Exhibition "Gemmes, une brillante histoire" ("Gems, a bright story")
- Lattices and invisible rays
- Living with crystals
- Los minerales: Año internacional de la Cristalografía
- Reflections: tales from within the crystal
- Tiles, Weaves and Origami: A Journey Through Art and Crystallography
- Simposio de Cristalografía
- Boston Biotech Symposium 2014
- Open lecture at Yokohama National University "Crystals in our daily lives"
- X-Ray Diffraction and its application in Materials Engineering
- Chai and Why? (Science Cafe): Quasicrystals: From impossibility to Nobel prize
- Crystals: A World to Discover
- The Amazing Ribosome and its Tiny Enemy
- Quasi-Periodic Crystals – a Paradigm Shift in Crystallography
- National Seminar On Recent Trends in Crystal Growth & Nano Materials
- What is a Crystal? New Answers to an Old Question
- Voyage dans le Cristal (Journey into the Crystal)
- Techniques of optical crystallography
- The Role of Magnetic Symmetry in the Description and Determination of Magnetic Structures
- Topological methods for expert systems in materials science
- Training course on symmetry and group theory
- Chai and Why? (Science Cafe): The colour of gemstones: beauty in imperfections
- Crystals in the Classroom
- The Chemistry Between Them
- Queensland Museum Synchrotron Demonstration
- Bruker OpenLab Indonesia
- Representations of Matter in Real and Reciprocal Space: Images and Objects from Crystallography
- RACI Tasmania Branch Public Lecture: What is X-ray Crystallography and how did it transform our view of the world?
- Molecular Model Building and its Biotechnology Applications
- Science Festival 2014 for youngsters in Osaka
- International Year of Crystallography 2014 Lecture Series
- Crystallography Lectures at Silliman
- BloemCrystSchool2
- Impacto da Cristalografia nas Diferentes Áreas da Ciencia
- Reflections: tales from within the crystal
- Aus der Mineraliensammlung des Krahuletz-Museum in Eggenburg: Neufunde – Neuerwerbungen – Schätze der Studiensammlung
- Crystallography Display for IYCr2014
- Crystallography for Humankind
- Crystallography in everyday life"- Travelling photo-Exhibition
- Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit
- Exhibition "Gemmes, une brillante histoire" ("Gems, a bright story")
- First European Crystallography School
- Lattices and invisible rays
- Living with crystals
- Virtual Conference on Computational Chemistry
- National Seminar on Crystallography and National Workshop on CADD
- Agilent OpenLab Turkey
- IMA 2014
- First European Crystallography School
- IYCr2014@Innsbruck - symposium and exhibition celebrating 100 years of crystallography - Focus Structural Biology
- Lattices and invisible rays
- Plenary Lecture at the first SGI-SIMP meeting
- Celebrating 100 Years
- Crystal chemistry symposium (part of Polish Chemical Society Annual Meeting)
- ICCBM15 crystallization workshop
- International Year of Crystallography 2014 Lecture Series
- 2nd Joint AIC-SILS conference
- 2014 Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences Annual
- Institute of Chemistry Congress 2014
- STOE DECTRIS Xenocs OpenFactory
- Elemental, compound and phase analysis by powder X-ray diffraction
- Public Seminar in Celebration of the International Year of Crystallography
- Current Trends in Structural Biology & 7th Conference of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association
- Honouring Felix Machatschki in Arnfels
- Structural Biology and its Translation into Practice and Business, my Experience
- Structural Role of Crystallography in Pharmacological Sciences
- The International Workshop on Smart Nanomaterials 2014: Modeling, Synthesis, Diagnostics
- One Day Workshop on Crystallography
- KRISTALLE @ Leoben
- Kryšťály života (Crystals for Life) @ European Researchers' Night
- The wonders of crystals at the Researchers' Night in Parma
- 1st Meeting of the Young Crystallographers
- Aus der Mineraliensammlung des Krahuletz-Museum in Eggenburg: Neufunde – Neuerwerbungen – Schätze der Studiensammlung
- Celebrating the International Year of Crystallography
- Crystallography Display for IYCr2014
- Crystallography for Humankind
- Crystallography in everyday life"- Travelling photo-Exhibition
- Crystallography: Where Art & Science Collide
- Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit
- Exhibition "Gemmes, une brillante histoire" ("Gems, a bright story")
- Exposición cristalizARTE
- Journey Into the Crystal CEBU
- Living with crystals
- Contemporary Crystallography in Croatia
- Kristalle @Ebensee
- Molybdenum Biochemistry: from neurodegeneration to synaptogenesis and blood pressure
- KRISTALLE @ Gmunden
- KRISTALLE @ Lange Nacht der Museen
- Celebrating the International Year of Crystallography
- Exhibition "Gemmes, une brillante histoire" ("Gems, a bright story")
- KRISTALLE @ Vienna
- Revolutionising GPCR crystallography and implications for structure-based drug discovery
- „Metall-organische Gerüstverbindungen - die wunderbare Welt poröser Kristalle!“
- From Molecules to Medicine: How Structure Helps Cure Disease
- Crystallography from Laue and Bragg to Nowadays
- KRISTALLE @ Deutschkreutz
- Mineral Exhibition
- Chicago Symposium in Honor of the International Year of Crystallography
- Crystal morphology course
- YoungChem2014
- IYCr2014: Challenges in Crystallography
- Aux confins de la matière
- 2014 International Symposium on Crystallography – 100 Years of History
- 8th Belgian Crystallography Symposium BCS-8
- Symposium in the 87th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society
- International Year of Crystallography 2014 Lecture Series
- Cristallography…the beauty of order
- Crystal (cl)Year
- Journey Into the Crystal CEBU
- the 6th AONSA Neutron School
- Extension Lecture series on X-ray Crystallography
- 16th Festival of Science and Culture in Siedlce
- Crystals around us: food, spa and medicines
- Festival Nature Namur
- „Kristallphänomene in der Arzneimittelentwicklung“
- Ciclo de Conferencias del Año Internacional de la Cristalografía
- Crystal morphology course
- Crystallography Display for IYCr2014
- KRISTALLE @ Schattendorf
- Order from Chaos: The Beautiful World of Crystals
- Alice in crystal land - open crystallography day for the general public
- Crystallography in everyday life"- Travelling photo-Exhibition
- Crystallography and K to 12
- Unveiling a new world of pharmaceuticals and bioinspired frameworks
- The Dorothy Hodgkin Symposium
- Aus der Mineraliensammlung des Krahuletz-Museum in Eggenburg: Neufunde – Neuerwerbungen – Schätze der Studiensammlung
- Bibliographical exhibition IYCr2014
- Cristallographie, Fleuriau de Bellevue et la géométrie des minéraux
- Crystal MOOC - The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry
- Crystallography exhibition
- Crystallography for Humankind
- Crystallography: Where Art & Science Collide
- Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit
- Exposición cristalizARTE
- La Cristallographie et Nous
- Living with crystals
- Rigaku OpenLab Colombia
- Colloquium: 50 years of crystallography in Freiburg, Germany
- TV Lecture "Development of Crystallography in the past 100 years"
- Colloquium: 50 years of crystallography in Freiburg, Germany
- IYCr2014 Commemorative Symposium
- Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth
- The Value of Exploring Mars to Mankind
- 4th Tunisian Crystallographic Meeting: TCM4
- 2014 Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference
- KRISTALLE @ Klagenfurt
- SCCJ@Science Agora 2014
- Illuminating Atoms: How Crystallography Changed the World - Q&A
- World Science Day for Peace and Development 2014 in Cape Verde
- Investigating Extreme States of Matter by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
- Katzengold und Silberfisch
- Cristales, Bragg commemorative exhibition
- Journées Scientifiques sur la Cristallographie et Applications
- Designer Molecular Crystals: Mechanical and Functional Properties
- Crystal morphology course
- Exposición cristalizARTE
- Ice: Recent Developments on the Quasi Liquid Layer and the Anti-Freezing Phenomenon
- Les cristaux de demain dans notre quotidien
- Exhibition "Des cristaux et des Hommes" ("Crystals and Men")
- The Mistery of the Giant Crystals
- KRISTALLE @ Neumarkt/Wallersee
- Crystal growth for school children
- Synchrotron Radiation in Nanomaterials Research
- A seminar on crystallography
- ASEAN Workshop on Protein Crystallography (AWPX2014)
- Crystal MOOC - The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry
- PANalytical OpenLab Mexico
- Celebration of International year of Crystallography 2014
- Special Seminar on Crystallography & its Applications (IYCr2014)
- KRISTALLE @ Frauenkirchen
- Kashiwa Library, The 4th Science Café Event “Science 2.0 and Changes in Scholarly Communication Tools”
- Days on Crystallography and Bioactive Substances
- Materials and Crystallography: a personal travel guide
- A poster exhibition about the timeline and uses of crystallography
- International Year of Crystallography at the Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Op reis in een kristal
- Stamp show
- National Workshop on recent trends in X-ray Diffraction Techniques(RTX-2014)
- Crystal morphology course
- Geocrystals: A Journey to the World of Minerals
- International Conference on Crystal Growth and Biomolecular Crystallography (ICCGBC - 2014)
- Max Alexander: Illuminating Atoms
- Stars Night 2014: Crystals in Universe, .Earth and Life
- Art of Science
- Art of Science
- Aus der Mineraliensammlung des Krahuletz-Museum in Eggenburg: Neufunde – Neuerwerbungen – Schätze der Studiensammlung
- Bibliographical exhibition IYCr2014
- CCCE 2014 Fall Newsletter
- Cristalli ... ad arte
- Cristallographie, Fleuriau de Bellevue et la géométrie des minéraux
- Crystallography exhibition
- Crystallography for Humankind
- Crystallography: Where Art & Science Collide
- Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit
- La Cristallographie et Nous
- Living with crystals
- The Crystal Exhibition
- Art of Science
- Precession Electron Diffraction
- A Special Session to Commemorate the International Year of Crystallography
- Workshop de Cristalografia Brasil
- CCCE 2014 Fall Newsletter
- Agilent OpenLab Hong Kong
- 3rd China-India-Singapore meeting in Crystal Engineering
- 3rd China-India-Singapore meeting on Crystal Engineering
- Cristallographie, Fleuriau de Bellevue et la géométrie des minéraux
- Bruker OpenLab Vietnam
- Primer Encuentro de la Red Uruguaya de Cristalografía/First Meeting of the Red Uruguaya de Cristalografía
- Crystal morphology course
- KRISTALLE @ Kittsee
- 8th Singapore International Chemistry Conference 2014
- XXXIII Scientific Readings named after Academician N.V. Belov
- KRISTALLE @ Bregenz
- 18èmes Journées Nationales de Chimie
- Crystallography for Humankind
- ''Cristalografia nas Ciências Fundamentais''
- Aquele Cristals e Outros
- Art of Science
- Aus der Mineraliensammlung des Krahuletz-Museum in Eggenburg: Neufunde – Neuerwerbungen – Schätze der Studiensammlung
- Bibliographical exhibition IYCr2014
- Cristalli ... ad arte
- Crystallography exhibition
- Crystallography: Where Art & Science Collide
- Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit
- La Cristallographie et Nous
- Living with crystals
- The Crystal Exhibition