Novosibirsk, Russia
15 - 18 May 2014
The annual Eureka!Fest, initiated by Novosibirsk State University and the Akademgorodok Foundation, aims to demonstrate to the general public the contents of modern science and the importance of technological development in a very accessible manner. The main theme of the 2014 Festival was "Discovery phenomenon", chosen to substantiate the significance of scientific discoveries as well as the discoveries which we make every day whilst adapting to the rapid changes of our surrounding world. The occasion of the International Year of Crystallography was used to highlight crystallography as one of the "sciences of the year". The comprehensive festival programme included more than 15 public lectures, seminars and panel discussions; "science slam", which involved a "scientific battle" between young scientists; and a training conference on education and the professions of the future. The most substantial programme slot was the outdoor science picnic, illustrated by the photographs in this gallery.