MaThCryst School on Fundamental Crystallography
La Plata, Argentina
27 April - 3 May 2014
This is the fourth school in Latin America organized by the IUCr Commission on Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography, entitled "Symmetry and its exploitation in crystallography".
Ernesto Estévez Rams.
Lectures and tutorials
Leopoldo Suescun.
Lectures and tutorials
Gustavo A. Echeverría.
Lectures and tutorials
Massimo Nespolo.
Lectures and tutorials
Graciela Punte (left), Leopoldo Suescun (right).
Lectures and tutorials
Massimo Nespolo (standing) speaks to Juan Pablo Bolletta.
Lectures and tutorials
Massimo Nespolo.
Lectures and tutorials
Massimo Nespolo.
Lectures and tutorials
Massimo Nespolo (standing) speaks to Gerson Anderson de Carvalho Lopez.
Lectures and tutorials
Mois Aroyo.
Lectures and tutorials
Ernesto Estévez Rams.
Lectures and tutorials
Leopoldo Suescun.
Lectures and tutorials
Graciela Punte.
Lectures and tutorials
Lee Daniels.
Lectures and tutorials
Juan Pable Bolletta.
Pablo Salvador Gauna.
Richard Fernando Dvries.
Giovany Orozco Hernàndéz.
Handing out the participation certificates.
Handing out the participation certificates.