Australian commemorative coin

To mark the UN International Year of Crystallography, the Royal Australian Mint has produced a great coin with a focus on crystallography! We have developed a coin series entitled Clever Australia – A Nation  of great inventors, marking significant inventions that Australians have invented. The first coin in the series is called Medi-mazing, celebrating medical marvels. It celebrates the great development of X-ray crystallography, and it also features the pacemaker, penicillin, IVF embryo freezing and spray-on skin for burns victims. You can view the coin here on the Australian Mint eShop:

In celebration of Australia’s National Science Week, we are going to be embarking on a social media promotional program next week focused on the inventions featured on the coin and will be sure to tag IYCr2014!

Michelle Nakamura
Marketing & Communications Manager
Royal Australian Mint