Event Name | Structural Role of Crystallography in Pharmacological Sciences |
Start Date | 24th Sep 2014 |
End Date | |
Duration | N/A |
Description | To celebrate IYCr2014, the Egyptian National Committee of Crystallography (ENCC) in Cooparation with the Egyptian Society of Crystallography and its Applications (ESCA) organize a Symposium on Structural Role of Crystallography in Pharmacological Sciences. ObjectivesThe process of curing a disease starts with identifying its target protein that is considered a building block in a wide range of pharmacological applications. With the three-dimensional structures of both the target protein and the appropriate medicinal compounds, extensive information can be combined to help developing better drugs. X-ray crystallography comprises the most important technique for determining the 3D-structures, and it plays a major role to identify the active conformation adopted by a protein excluding the inactive one(s). This symposium focuses on the powerful contribution of Crystallography in the field of Pharmacology, by shedding light on the basic concepts and approaches. Programme9:00-9:30 Registration 9:30–10:00 Opening Session 10:00–11:00 Prof. Dr. Karimat El-Sayed, Quality Control in Pharmaceuticals Industry 11:00–12:00 Prof. Dr. Adel Girgis, Chemical Synthesis of Medicinal Drugs 12:00–13:00 Break 13:00–14:00 Dr. Gihan S. Kamel, Disease–related Proteins: CloserLook With Crystallography Eyes 14:00–15:00 Dr. Nasser Saad, Methods and Advantages of Computer Aided Drug Design 15:00–16:00 Closing Session and Recommendations |
Location | Cairo Egypt |
Contact | Karimat El-Sayed esca.egypt@yahoo.com |
URL | http://xrdlab-nrc-eg.org/registration.htm |
Category | symposia |