Event Name | III Encuentro de Cristalografía |
Start Date | 18th Feb 2014 |
End Date | 19th Feb 2014 |
Duration | 2 days |
Description | The event aims to bring together crystallographers of our country and who are in some way linked to this specialty, and so commemorate the International Year of Crystallography. The exhibitions will be carried out by researchers in the areas of crystallography, physics, chemistry, archaeology, archaeometry and conservatives of the National Cultural Heritage. Undergraduate and graduate students from universities in our country will also participate as exhibitors. More information can be found at http://fisica.unmsm.edu.pe/index.php/Tercer_encuentro_de_cristalografia Download the poster of the event here |
Location | Lima Peru |
Contact | Elvira Zeballos V. cristalografiarx@gmail.com |
URL | http://fisica.unmsm.edu.pe/index.php/Tercer_encuentro_de_cristalografia |
Category | symposia |