Event Name | South Asian Summit meetings on "Vistas in Structural Chemistry" Celebrating International year of Crystallography 2014 |
Start Date | 28th Apr 2014 |
End Date | 30th Apr 2014 |
Duration | 3 days |
Description | A summit meeting on “Vistas in Structural Chemistry” is going to be held between 28th and 30th April, 2014 at the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan. This summit celebrates the International Year of Crystallography 2014 and is one of four that have been planned and envisaged for next year by the IUCr and UNESCO, the lead custodians for IYCr 2014. Prominent scientists and science policymakers from China, India and Pakistan (including representation from industry) will come together to provide a platform for a general discussion on the present status and future of scientific research, with particular emphasis on structural chemistry in South and East Asia. |
Location | ICCBS, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan |
Contact | Maqsood Ahmed maqsoodbwp@gmail.com |
URL | http://www.iycr2014.org/summits |
Category | summits |