Event Name | IYCr2014: Challenges in Crystallography |
Start Date | 13th Oct 2014 2:00pm |
End Date | 14th Oct 2014 1:00pm |
Duration | 23 hours |
Description | The meeting celebrates the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr2014) by introducing and discussing the intriguing chances offered by the new frontiers of crystallography. Some talks will introduce new radiation sources suitable for diffraction studies, as well as modern strategies for data collection from nanocrystals, and experimental and computational studies of the behaviour of crystalline phases under extreme conditions. Other talks will focus on the impact of future crystallography-based studies on different research branches, such as molecular biology, Earth and environmental sciences, and materials sciences. Outstanding speakers have confirmed their participation: Immanuel Bloch (Max Planck Institut of Quantum Optics), Henry N. Chapman (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY), Emil Makovicky (University of Copenhagen), Enrico Mugnaioli (University of Mainz), Fabrizio Nestola (University of Padua), Artem Oganov (Stony Brook University),Joao Rocha (University of Aveiro), Maria Selmer (University of Uppsala),Ilme Schlichting (Max Planck Institute for Medical Research). The organising committee (S. Merlino, chair, G. Allegra, M. Bolognesi, M. Brunori, S. Califano, G. Ferraris, C. Giacovazzo, M. Inguscio and R. Oberti) acknowledges sponsorship by the following institutions: Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia (AIC), Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM), Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia (SIMP), Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali (STSN) |
Location | Rome Italy |
Contact | Roberta Oberti oberti@crystal.unipv.it |
URL | |
Category | seminars |