Event Name | First European Crystallography School |
Start Date | 28th Aug 2014 |
End Date | 6th Sep 2014 |
Duration | 10 days |
Description | Reinforcing foundations to build the 2nd century of modern crystallography As celebrated by the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr2014), modern crystallography is entering its 2nd century of life, being as vital and challenging as a young discipline. In the last decades, crystallography has experienced a rapid advance, which has produced an enormous impact towards a deeper understanding of the properties of matter and functionality of materials. ECS1 is directed to young researchers and Ph.D. students involved in all different fields of structural sciences, and aims at diffusing and sharing the idea of crystallography as a unique discipline. The School will include lectures and practical sessions, as well as dissemination seminars open to the public, in order to increase the awareness and ignite an interest in crystallography among young students. Moreover, a series of satellite events will be organized to celebrate IYCr2014. ECS1 has been approved as an Erasmus Intensive Programme under the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ECASchool2014
Location | Pavia Italy |
Contact | Michele Zema michele.zema@unipv.it |
URL | http://2014.aicschool.org/ |
Category | schools and workshops |