Event Name | ACA Summer Course in Chemical Crystallography |
Start Date | 7th Jul 2014 |
End Date | 16th Jul 2014 |
Duration | 10 days |
Description | The ACA Summer Course in Chemical Crystallography is a program that is now into its third decade of instruction here in the United States. The current incarnation of the course is directed towards Single-Crystal Chemical Crystallography and Powder Diffraction techniques, as applicable to small molecule studies. The course is designed to instruct attendees in the theory and practice of these two aspects of crystallography. The course is held every summer, in even years at The University of Notre Dame, and in odd years at Northwestern University. No prior knowledge of crystallography is expected from attendees. However, a good understanding of undergraduate level chemistry, physics and mathematics is desirable. While the course is geared towards graduate level attendees, applications from strong undergraduate students will be considered. Past course attendees have included faculty members and industrial researchers. |
Location | Notre Dame, South Bend, IN United States |
Contact | Allen Oliver aoliver2@nd.edu |
URL | http://acasummercourse.net/ |
Category | schools and workshops |