Event Name | 5th Moroccan School of Crystallography |
Start Date | 24th Oct 2013 |
End Date | 26th Oct 2013 |
Duration | 3 days |
Description | STRUCTURE SOLUTION FROM POWDER AND SINGLE-CRYSTAL DATAThe objective of this scientific event is to bring together crystallographers from academia and industry to review the latest developments in this field. The school is intended for PhD and post-doc students, as well as researchers, teachers and engineers.The school will include conferences, courses and workshops and will be chaired by eminent scientists of international renown. Part of the EMC5 School will be devoted to the presentation of new crystallographic hardware and software. The School is joinly organized by the Moroccan Association of Crystallography (MAC) and the Faculty of Science, University Mohammed I, Oujda. The School will be opened by a lecture on "IYCr2014: a Programme for Dissemination, Education and Cooperation" by M. Zema, Project Manager for IYCr2014.
Location | Oujda Morocco |
Contact | Abdelmalek Thalal abdthalal@gmail.com |
URL | http://www.fso.ump.ma/emc5 |
Category | schools and workshops |