Robert Krickl's crystallography outreach activities
In the "International Year of Crystallography", Austrian mineralogist and crystallographer Robert Krickl put his heart and soul in communicating this topic to general public (in addition to his other scientific activities). At the end of the year, this is an overview of his most important crystallographic outreach activities 2014:
* 121 visits at schools and kindergartens giving crystallographic lessons
* 58 public lectures communicating crystallography to general public
* organisation, construction and execution of the official Austrian touring exhibition on the occasion of IYCr "Crystals - Artwork of Nature" (http://www.r-krickl.com/kristalle)
- with tour stations in 13 cities in all federal states of Austria
- personally giving a total sum of 442 hours of guided tours
- reaching ~15.000 visitors in personal contact
- giving workshops for 224 visiting school classes
* design of the Austrian postage stamp celebrating IYCr and philatelic envelope (http://www.iycr2014.org/countries/events-by-country/austria/austrian-stamp)
* numerous articles in newspapers and journals throughout the country
* "wearable crystallography", creation of ties with crystal structure patterns (http://www.iycr2014.org/countries/events-by-country/austria/wearable-crystallography)
* preparation of a big outreach project in the beginning of 2015 - soon to be announced ;)
Contact | Robert Krickl mail@r-krickl.com |
URL | www.r-krickl.com |
Category | private contributions |