Event Name | The Discovery of X-ray Diffraction: from Crystals to the Structure of DNA |
Start Date | 28th Apr 2014 4:15pm |
End Date | |
Duration | N/A |
Description | 100 years ago, a series of brilliant experiments and ideas opened the way to understand the properties of materials through the visualization of the three-dimensional structure of molecules. On 21 april 1912, Max von Laue and two of his young assistants exposed a zinc blende (ZnS) crystal to X-rays and observed that the radiation was splitted into a series of dark spots on a photographic plate. The understanding of these esperiments gave birth to the field of modern crystallography. Since then, crystallography brought a molecular view into science populating solid state physics with images and structures and opening new research areas, and its role has become fundamental also in many other areas as for example mineralogy, chemistry, molecular biology, pharmaceutical sciences. Prof Nadia Robotti from Physics Dept at University of Genoa, is a specialist in the history of physics and has been invited to celebrate the International Year of Crystallography 2014 in the framework of the Science Degree Project and the Afternoon at Physics organized by the Association for Teaching of Physics at Siena. |
Location | Siena Italy |
Contact | miguel gregorkiewitz gregor@unisi.it |
URL | http://www.dsfta.unisi.it/it/eventi/pomeriggio-fisica-con-nadia-robotti-lanno-internazionale-della-cristallografia |
Category | lectures |