Event Name | IYCr2014 Leuven lecture series |
Start Date | 11th Mar 2014 8:00pm |
End Date | |
Duration | N/A |
Description | To celebrate the International Year of Crystallography, the Faculty of Science of KU Leuven organizes a lecture series.
Programme of the events 21 February 2014, 1.00 pm, Promotion Hall 11 March 2014, 8.00 pm, Zoological Institute 8 April 2014, 8.00 pm, Zoological Institute 9 September 2014, 8.00 pm, Zoological Institute 21 October 2014, 8.00 pm, Zoological Institute 13 December 2014, 3.00 pm, Aula Pieter De Somer |
Location | Leuven Belgium |
Contact | Luc Van Meervelt luc.vanmeervelt@chem.kuleuven.be |
URL | http://wet.kuleuven.be/wetenschapinbreedbeeld/jaarvandekristallografie |
Category | lectures |