Event Name | Edible crystals... can you believe it? |
Start Date | 1st Nov 2013 6:30pm |
End Date | |
Duration | N/A |
Description | Cristalli da mangiare... chi l'avrebbe mai detto? What links crystallography to a chocolate bar that melts pleasantly in the mouth and has the surface sheen and crisp hardness that make it so tasty? And how is crystallography involved in the preparation of a soft and smooth ice-cream? A public lecture by Prof Dario Braga from University of Bologna at the "Festival delle Science" in Genoa. |
Location | Genova Italy |
Contact | Paolo P. Mazzeo paolo.mazzeo@unibo.it |
URL | http://www.festivalscienza.it/site/home/programma/eventi-per-tipo/conferenze/cristalli-da-mangiare...-chi-lavrebbe-mai.html |
Category | lectures |