Event Name | Satellite session SOLEIL-LLB of the 9th SOLEIL Users' Meeting |
Start Date | 23rd Jan 2014 |
End Date | |
Duration | N/A |
Description | 2014 has been proclaimed International Year of Crystallography and will be inaugurated during a ceremony at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, on January 20th and 21st, 2014. SOLEIL and LLB has pointed out the interest in enhancing this theme before the Users’ Meeting 2014 program, with a morning satellite session SOLEIL - LLB composed of four plenary lectures dedicated to Crystallography, on January 23rd a.m. Confirmed speakers: Christoph MUELLER - EMBL - Heidelberg (Germany) Bernhard KEIMER - Max Plank Institut (Germany) |
Location | Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau France |
Contact | contact@aicr2014.fr |
URL | http://www.aicr2014.fr/index.php/agenda/icalrepeat.detail/2014/01/23/10/78|79|80|81/session-satellite-soleil-llb-du-9eme-colloque-utilisateurs-de-soleil |
Category | conferences |