Poland: National Crystallographic Olympiad
To celebrate several anniversaries of important crystallographic discoveries, and as a highlight of the International Year of Crystallography IYCr2014, the Committee of Crystallography of the Polish Academy of Sciences at its meeting on July 7, 2012, decided to organize, starting from 2014, an annual "National Crystallographic Olympiad" (Ogólnopolska Olimpiada Krystalograficzna). The first edition of the Olympiad will be held in the academic year 2013/14, and the finals will take place on June 25, 2014, in Wrocław.
Contact | Edward Michalski emichalski@wat.edu.pl |
URL | http://www.komkryst.pan.pl/index.php/en/?option=com_content&view=article&id=70&Itemid=54 |
Category | competitions |