Synchrotron Radiation in Nanomaterials Research

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Event Name Synchrotron Radiation in Nanomaterials Research
Start Date 14th Nov 2014
End Date 18th Nov 2014
Duration 5 days


In celebrating the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr2014), the workshop organized by the Egyptian National Committee for Crystallography (ENCC) aims to provide a forum for exchange of knowledge in order to get the latest developments in structure determination and characterization of nanomaterials. The main objective is to highlight the powerful capabilities of synchrotron radiation (SR) in nanomaterials research aspects. During this occasion, Nanomaterials fabrication methods will be demonstrated and combined with the advanced SR applications covering different techniques such as X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Small Angle Scattering (SAXS) and Extended Xray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS). Hands-on computer training on some programs in the field will be also arranged.

The workshop is organised under the auspices of

  • Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sakr, President of Academy of Scientific Research and Technology
  • Prof. Dr. Tarek HusseinHonorary Chairmanship, Former president of Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Vice President of SESAME Council
  • Prof. Dr. Karimat El-SayedChairman, President of ENCC and ESCA
  • Prof. Dr. Ibrahim FaragCo-Chairman, Vice-President of ESCA
  • Synchrotron Radiation Concepts and Applications.
  • Nanomaterials ab-initio Structure Determination.
  • Synchrotron applications in Nanomagnetic Materials and X-Rays Magnetic Microscopy.
  • Synchrotron Radiation for Advanced Bio-imaging and Nano-FTIR
  • EXAF: From Spectroscopy to Structural Investigation of Nanomaterials.
  • Microstructure Determination
  • PDF Applications in Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Materials.
  • Energy and Synchrotron Radiation.

Invited Speakers

  • C. Llewellyn Smith, Oxford University
  • Giuseppe DalbaUniversity of Trento
  • Eberhard Goering, Max-Planck Institute
  • Matteo Leoni, University of Trento
  • Ahmed Masadeh, University of Jordan

Location Hurghada
Contact Karimat El-Sayed
Category schools and workshops