14th November 2014
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- Art of Science
- Aus der Mineraliensammlung des Krahuletz-Museum in Eggenburg: Neufunde – Neuerwerbungen – Schätze der Studiensammlung
- Bibliographical exhibition IYCr2014
- CCCE 2014 Fall Newsletter
- Cristales, Bragg commemorative exhibition
- Cristalli ... ad arte
- Cristallographie, Fleuriau de Bellevue et la géométrie des minéraux
- Crystal MOOC - The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry
- Crystallography exhibition
- Crystallography for Humankind
- Crystallography: Where Art & Science Collide
- Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit
- Exhibition "Des cristaux et des Hommes" ("Crystals and Men")
- Exposición cristalizARTE
- Journées Scientifiques sur la Cristallographie et Applications
- KRISTALLE @ Neumarkt/Wallersee
- La Cristallographie et Nous
- Living with crystals
- Op reis in een kristal
- Synchrotron Radiation in Nanomaterials Research
- Designer Molecular Crystals: Mechanical and Functional Properties
- Ice: Recent Developments on the Quasi Liquid Layer and the Anti-Freezing Phenomenon