Colloquium: 50 years of crystallography in Freiburg, Germany

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Event Name Colloquium: 50 years of crystallography in Freiburg, Germany
Start Date 31st Oct 2014 8:30am
End Date 1st Nov 2014 7:21am
Duration 22 hours and 51 minutes
Description We celebrate 50 years of
  • growth and characterization of single crystal semiconductor materials under terrestrial and space conditions
  • simulation of material and heat transport in metal and semiconductor melts
  • synthesis, structure analysis and chrystal chemistry of new ternary and multinary compounds
  • defect characterisation and detector development at synchrotron light sources
  • teaching of crystallography and materials sciences

Invited speakers

K. W. Benz (Freiburg), G. Bischopink (Bosch GmbH, Reutlingen), J. J. Derby (CEMS University of Minnesota, USA), P. Dold (Fraunhofer CPS, Halle), H. Hillebrecht (University Freiburg), J. Friedrich (DGKK, Fraunhofer IISB), W. Schmahl, DGK, LMU München), S. Schorr (FU Berlin), P. Rudolph (CTC Berlin)

Location Haus zur Lieben Hand, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Contact Andreas Danilewsky
Category symposia