15th October 2014
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- 2014 International Symposium on Crystallography – 100 Years of History
- Aus der Mineraliensammlung des Krahuletz-Museum in Eggenburg: Neufunde – Neuerwerbungen – Schätze der Studiensammlung
- Bibliographical exhibition IYCr2014
- Ciclo de Conferencias del Año Internacional de la Cristalografía
- Cristallographie, Fleuriau de Bellevue et la géométrie des minéraux
- Cristallography…the beauty of order
- Crystallography Display for IYCr2014
- Crystallography exhibition
- Crystallography for Humankind
- Crystallography in everyday life"- Travelling photo-Exhibition
- Crystallography: Where Art & Science Collide
- Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit
- Exposición cristalizARTE
- Festival Nature Namur
- Journey Into the Crystal CEBU
- La Cristallographie et Nous
- Living with crystals
- the 6th AONSA Neutron School
- 8th Belgian Crystallography Symposium BCS-8
- Symposium in the 87th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society
- International Year of Crystallography 2014 Lecture Series