Quasi-Periodic Crystals – a Paradigm Shift in Crystallography

    Day view    

Event Name Quasi-Periodic Crystals – a Paradigm Shift in Crystallography
Start Date 7th Aug 2014 8:15pm
End Date 7th Aug 2014 9:30pm
Duration 1 hour and 15 minutes

IUCr14_lecturesInternational Year of Crystallography

 Special Free Lectures at McGill University for the Public

      in conjunction with the

 23rd Congress of the International Union of Crystallography


Quasi-Periodic Crystals – a Paradigm Shift in Crystallography​

Presented by Nobel Laureate Professor Dan Shechtman, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

This talk will outline the discovery of quasi-periodic crystals and describe the important role of electron microscopy as an enabling discovery tool.

Download the leaflet of the lecture series 

Location Leacock Building, Room 132, McGill University Campus, Montreal, QC
Contact Louise Dawe
Category lectures