Rigaku OpenLab Cambodia

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Event Name Rigaku OpenLab Cambodia
Start Date 7th Jul 2014
End Date 11th Jul 2014
Duration 5 days


The IUCr-UNESCO Open Lab in Cambodia

Partners of IUCr and UNESCO for OpenLab Cambodia: Rigaku 


Venue: Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Participation in this OpenLab is limited to 15 students. We will accept applications on a first-come/first-served basis.

How to apply: Students and young scientists from all universities, government and private organizations from Cambodia and neighbouring countries are welcomed to submit their applications by email to Dr. Bun Kim Ngun.

Lecturers: Yue Bing (Rigaku Corporation); Michele Zema (IUCr)

Organizers: Bun Kim Ngun (ITC), Michele Zema (IUCr); Taisuke Yoshiki, Akira Kitamura (Rigaku Corporation)

Programme | See the photo gallery | Read an on-the-spot meeting report by M. Zema | Read the report on The Bridge Rigaku Newsletter | Read the report by Dr Bun

Location Phnom Penh
Contact Dr. BUN Kim Ngun
URL http://www.rigaku.com/events/openlab
Category openlabs