Impact of Crystallography on Modern Science

    Day view    

Event Name Impact of Crystallography on Modern Science
Start Date 25th Jun 2014
End Date
Duration N/A

The Academy of Sciences of Turin has always counted distinguished members which have studied the crystalline solid state, including the Nobel-laureates: W.H. Bragg, M. von Laue, G. Natta and (living) Harold Kroto. Several other members have been or are active in research using crystallographic methods. Among the 'historical' members are mentioned here: Amedeo Avogadro, Quintino Sella, Giorgio Spezia, Ferruccio Zambonini and Martin Buerger.

The Academy organizes for 2014 a one-day interdisciplinary conference - celebratory of IYCr2014 - involving speakers operating in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Earth Sciences, as well as more applied areas such as Cultural Heritage and Environment. The CrisDi Interdepartmental Center for Crystallography of the University of Turin sponsors the organization of the conference.


Greetings from the authorities
Introduced by Giovanni Ferraris (University of Turin, Academy of Sciences of Turin) /Crystallographers at the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino/.

Chaired by Gianfranco Gilardi (University of Turin, Academy of Sciences of Turin)

Robert Huber (Nobel laureate, Max Planck - Institut fuer Biochemie) -/Beauty and Fitness for Purpose: the Architecture of the Proteins Building Blocks of Life/.

Alessia Bacchi ( University of Parma) -/Crystallography, Chemistry and Drugs: a New World at the Nanoscale/.

Opening of the documentary  exhibition "Crystallographers at the Academy of Sciences"

Chaired by Roberta Oberti (CNR-IGG Pavia, Academy of Sciences of Turin)

Gianfranco Gilardi (University of Turin, Academy of Sciences of Turin) -/Structural Basis of Cytochrome P450 Function in Cell Defense and Sexual Development/.

Piero Ugliengo (University of Turin) -/Quantum Mechanical Modeling as a Virtual Microscope to Understand Biomaterials/.


Chaired by Adriano Zecchina (University of Turin, Academy of Sciences of Turin)

Livio Battezzati (University of Turin, Academy of Sciences of Turin) -/Topology and Chemistry in the Frustrated Symmetry of Quasicrystals/.

Carlo Lamberti (University of Turin) -/Combining Crystallographic and Spectroscopic Approaches to Understand Complex Materials/.

Marco Truccato (University of Turin) -/The Combined Use of X-rays and Electrical Measurements to Explore (and Modify) Superconducting Oxide/.

Chaired by Giovanni Ferraris (University of Turin, Academy of Sciences of Turin)

Mauro Prencipe (University of Turin) -/Unraveling the Secrets of the Inner Earth by Means of a Computer: Mechanisms of Compressibility and Thermal Expansion of Crystals from a Theoretical Point of View/.

Fernando Cámara (University of Turin) -/Probing the Crystal Structure of Minerals far from Room Conditions: the Contribution of X-ray Diffraction in the Lab/.

Roberta Oberti (CNR-IGG Pavia, Academy of Sciences of Turin) -/Crystallography and Crystal-Chemistry for a Deeper Understanding of Geological Processes/.

Discussion and conclusions.

Abstracts of the lectures are available at the symposium web site. 

Location Turin
Contact Fernando Camara
Category symposia