Polish Crystallography: Past, Present and Future

    Day view    

Event Name Polish Crystallography: Past, Present and Future
Start Date 14th Apr 2014 10:00am
End Date 14th Apr 2014 3:15pm
Duration 5 hours and 15 minutes
Description On the occasion of declaring by the United Nations the Year 2014 as the International Year of Crystallography, on 14th April 2014 we organise a Seminar entitled: "Polish Crystallography: Past, Present and Future" at a new building of the Warsaw University Biological and Chemical Research Centre.

The Seminar will consists of two parts: one focused on the past history of crystallography in Poland and the other one on the present challenging topics which are of interests for the Polish community.

Below is the programme of this Seminar which will be also attended by Prof. Gautam Desiraju, President of IUCr:

Polish Crystallography: Past, Present and Future

Programme (Click here to download a printable PDF version)

10:00-10:20 Welcome

Krzysztof  Woźniak - Chair of the Organizing Committee
Paweł KuleszaDean of ChD
Ewa Bulska - Director of CNBCh
Janusz Lipkowski - President of PCA

10:20–10:35 Gautam Desiraju (President of  IUCr) Message from the President of IUCr

10:35–11:00 Barbara Oleksyn  (Jagiellonian University) Crystallography and Crystallographers in Poland: a Historical Outline

11:00–11:15 Marek Krygowski (ChD UW) Crystallography at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw

11:15–11:35 Anna Pajączkowska (ITME) Professor Jan Czochralski – Scientist of the World

11:35–12:00 Damian Kucharczyk (Agilent Tech.) XRD - development in technology and data quality    

12:00–13:00 Lunch +  visit to the labs

13:00-13:15 Dorota Pawlak (ITME) Novel Hybrid Materials for Photonics Manufactured by Crystal Growth Methods

13:15–13:30 Liliana Dobrzańska (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) Structural Rearrangements in Single Crystals

13:30–13:45 Maria Górna (Research Center for Molecular Medicine, Wien, Austria) Human IFIT Proteins in Antiviral Defense

13:45–14 00 Łukasz Dobrzycki (CNBCh) Pyrrolidine and its Hydrates – in situ Crystallization, Structure and Properties

14:00–14:15 Michał Dobrowolski (CNBCh) Structural Diversities of Charge Transfer Complexes

14:15–14:30 Anna Makal (CNBCh) New Methods for Measurement and Analysis of Time-Resolved Laue Diffraction Data

14:30–14:45 Paulina Dominiak (CNBCh) Databank of Aspherical Atoms and Its Role in Crystallography and Structural Biology

14:45–15:00 Michał Chodkiewicz  (CNBCh) Diffuse Scattering in Crystallography

15:00–15:15 Magdalena Woińska (CNBCh) Wavefunction fitting and HAR – New Approaches  of Modern Crystallography 

15:15 Closing of the Seminar 

Location Biological and Chemical Research Centre, 101, Zwirki and Wigury Street, Warsaw
Contact Prof. Krzysztof Wozniak
URL http://crystal.chem.uw.edu.pl/iyocr2014.html
Category seminars