6th Jun 2013 |
Past, Present, and Future of Crystallography@Politecnico di Milano: From Small Molecules to Macromolecules and Supramolecular Structures Milano |
4th Sep 2013 |
Crystallography Beyond Diffraction, 2nd Edition Camerino |
12th Sep 2013 |
Round-table on IYCr2014 at MISSCA Como |
27th Sep 2013 |
The room of crystals Parma |
6th Oct 2013 |
19th Oct 2013 |
L'enigma Escher Reggio Emilia |
1st Nov 2013 |
Edible crystals... can you believe it? Genova |
2nd Nov 2013 |
Crystals to wear Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Minor Consiglio P.zza Matteotti 9 - Genova |
21st Nov 2013 |
Natta's seeds grow Milan, Politecnico di Milano |
8th Jan 2014 |
NIS colloquium on "Time and space resolved techniques with Synchrotron Radiation beams" Turin |
18th Jan 2014 |
Crystals that change Piazza Maggiore, Bologna |
13th Feb 2014 |
From Penrose tilings to Siberian glaciers: the extraordinary search for natural quasicrystals Aula Magna of the University of Florence |
22nd Feb 2014 |
Crystalline precision Piazza Maggiore, Bologna |
3rd Mar 2014 |
2014: un mondo di cristalli Parma |
13th Mar 2014 |
Giornata di Inaugurazione IYCr2014@UNISA Fisciano |
20th Mar 2014 |
La Cristallografia a Milano nel centenario della scoperta: Scienze della Terra, Chimica, Polimeri, Scienze della Vita Palazzo Brera – Via Brera 28, Milano – Sala delle Adunanze |
10th Apr 2014 |
Viaggio nel mondo dei cristalli - A journey into the world of crystals Alessandria |
11th Apr 2014 |
Alla Scoperta dei Cristalli: la cristallografia per svelare i misteri della materia e le sue proprietà Naples |
15th Apr 2014 |
Exploring the nanoworld Siena |
28th Apr 2014 |
The Discovery of X-ray Diffraction: from Crystals to the Structure of DNA Siena |
30th Apr 2014 |
XII Edition SoNS School Erice (Sicily, Italy) |
8th May 2014 |
La doppia elica del DNA: la storia della scoperta Benevento |
19th May 2014 |
The International Year of Crystallography IYCr2014 at Siena Siena |
28th May 2014 |
SIMPLy CRIST Sesto Fiorentino, FIRENZE |
30th May 2014 |
International School of Crystallography: 47th Course Erice |
1st Jun 2014 |
Let's Play with Crystals Siena |
5th Jun 2014 |
We wanted to see the atoms: 100 years of crystallography Alessandria |
6th Jun 2014 |
GMT2014 Tavagnasco mineralogical days Tavagnasco (Piedmont) |
10th Jun 2014 |
International Expo/Sir Workshop Bari |
11th Jun 2014 |
Crystals! at Unimi Milano |
13th Jun 2014 |
La simmetria, i cristalli, le strutture, Escher, le opere, le mirabili molecole io canto Caraglio |
18th Jun 2014 |
1st International Symposium on Halogen Bonding (ISXB-1) Porto Cesareo (LECCE) |
25th Jun 2014 |
Impact of Crystallography on Modern Science Turin |
28th Aug 2014 |
First European Crystallography School Pavia |
10th Sep 2014 |
Plenary Lecture at the first SGI-SIMP meeting Milano |
15th Sep 2014 |
2nd Joint AIC-SILS conference Florence |
26th Sep 2014 |
The wonders of crystals at the Researchers' Night in Parma Parma |
8th Oct 2014 |
Cristallography…the beauty of order Torino |
11th Oct 2014 |
CRISTALLI!@Parma Parma |
13th Oct 2014 |
IYCr2014: Challenges in Crystallography Rome |
16th Oct 2014 |
Crystal (cl)Year Torino |
18th Oct 2014 |
Crystals around us: food, spa and medicines Parma |
31st Oct 2014 |
Crystal or treat? Halloween at CRISTALLI!@PARMA Parma |
5th Nov 2014 |
Cristalli ... ad arte Vercelli |
3rd Dec 2014 |
Precession Electron Diffraction Siena |
24th Jan 2015 |
Cristalli ai raggi X Modena |
Birth and impact of X-ray crystallography A historical perspective by Davide Viterbo, published in Il Nuovo Saggiatore.
Italian commemorative postmark Pavia A commemorative postmark has been issued by the Italian Post Office to mark the inauguration of the First European Crystallography School, as part of the IYCr 2014 celebrations.
Cristallografia: la visione a raggi X Teaching pamphlet for high school teachers written in Italian
CrystallinItaly: Crystallography at your door A list of 100 prominent italian sites spanning from monuments to historical places to natural beauties linked to crystallography
Tuscany (Italy): Crystal Growing Competition Sesto Fiorentino (FI) First Crystal Growing Competition organized in Tuscany for pupils of high schools to celebrate the International Year of Crystallography. The competition is organized in the framework of the "Progetto Lauree Scientifiche" (Scientific Degrees Project).