Event Name | Caracterización de Materiales Policristalinos mediante Técnicas de Difracción de Rayos X |
Start Date | 23rd Jun 2014 8:00am |
End Date | 27th Jun 2014 6:00pm |
Duration | 4 days and 10 hours |
Description | In a joint effort of the Colombian and Venezuelan Societies of Crystallography, two courses on X Ray Diffraction Techniques are being organized: a course on X ray Powder Diffraction which will take place in Mérida, Venezuela, from June 23 to 27 of 2014, and a course on Single Crystal X Ray Diffraction which will take place in Bucaramanga, Colombia, in September. The participation is open to undergraduate and graduate students and young scientists from academic institutions, as well as professionals from the industrial sector. Students, young researchers, and professionals from other Latin-American countries are most welcome. The Course on Powder Diffraction integrates the basic principles, common practices, and applications of X ray diffraction techniques for the analysis of polycrystalline samples. Particular attention will be paid at obtaining good experimental data for their appropriate use in different applications. Three fundamental aspects constitute the core of the powder diffraction course: (1) use of X ray diffraction techniques for qualitative and quantitative analysis of polycrystalline materials; (2) use of the program GSAS-II (Structure refinement using the Rietveld Method); (3) Microstructure characterization (Use of the program PM2K2). These topics will be presented in the context of conventional X ray diffractometers and of synchrotron radiation. The Invited Speakers are: Dr. Robert Von Dreele (Argonne National Laboratory, USA), Prof. James A. Kaduk (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA), Prof. Matteo Leoni (Universita degli Studi di Trento, Italy), and Prof. José Antonio Henao (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia). Professors Asiloé J. Mora, Graciela Díaz de Delgado, Belkis Ramírez, Gerzon Delgado, and Miguel Delgado (ULA, Venezuela) and Dr. Alexander Briceño (IVIC, Venezuela) will also be instructors. This event is being supported by Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela), FONACIT (Venezuelan Science Funding Office) and the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD). |
Location | Merida Venezuela |
Contact | Prof. Miguel Delgado migueld@ula.ve |
URL | |
Category | schools and workshops |