Event Name | Crystallography Display for IYCr2014 |
Start Date | 19th Mar 2014 2:00pm |
End Date | 25th Oct 2014 4:00pm |
Duration | 220 days and 1 hour |
Description | A small display of minerals at the Diss Museum (Norfolk, England), specially chosen to link with the International Year of Crystallography.
In addition there are minerals exhibiting special features including pyrite, sphalerite, magnetite, fluorspar, gypsum and rhodochrosite, some of which come from the famous 'Trepča' lead/zinc mine near Kosovo Mitrovica in Kosovo. Opening times (19th March to 25th October): |
Location | Diss, Norfolk United Kingdom |
Contact | Peter Perkins pjperkins@live.co.uk |
URL | http://www.disscommunity.net |
Category | exhibitions |