Event Name | 18èmes Journées Nationales de Chimie |
Start Date | 21st Dec 2014 |
End Date | 23rd Dec 2014 |
Duration | 3 days |
Description | Our days go by, but not alike. We have come to the eighteenth edition of the National Days of Chemistry - JNC 18.
Held regularly every two years for more than thirty years, The National Days of Chemistry have the following objectives:
This year being the International Year of Crystallography, a special focus will be given to the role of crystallography in the development of chemistry. The opening plenary lecture will be given by Dr Michele Zema (U. Pavia, Italy and Project Manager for IYCr2014 at the IUCr) on "Chemistry and crystallography: our enduring common journey". |
Location | Skanes-Monastir Tunisia |
Contact | Mohamed Moncef CHAABOUNI medmoncef50@gmail.com |
URL | http://www.sctunisie.org/jnc18/index.html |
Category | conferences |