Event Name | Crystallography and Society |
Start Date | 8th Jul 2013 |
End Date | 9th Jul 2013 |
Duration | 2 days |
Description | The course is a two-day event belonging to a series of yearly courses devoted to the popularization of crystallography and crystallization and to promote awareness of the impact of crystallography in our daily lives. The course is devoted this year to discuss the different activities that are being planned and developed for the IYCr2014. All key organizations are invoved: IUCr, ACA, AsCA, ECA and UNESCO. |
Location | Santander Spain |
Contact | Juan Manuel García-Ruiz juanma.garciaruiz@gmail.com |
URL | http://lafactoria.lec.csic.es/mcc/index.php/program-a-courses/module-3-specialized-courses/cryst-society |
Category | schools and workshops |