11th Singapore National Crystal Growing Challenge
The challenge provides a unique opportunity for the students to discover the importance of this technique in chemistry. Further growing their own crystals can be a creative way to learn many aspects of basic physics, chemistry, geology and biology. By participating in this competition, students will learn the art and science of growing crystals. They will also have an opportunity to exercise their creativity in growing something beautiful.
There are three categories in this competition. They are:
Junior Level - for secondary school students,
Senior Level - for junior college, ITE college and polytechnic students, and
Open Level – for secondary, junior college, ITE college and polytechnic students.
Each institution may submit a maximum of two entries in each category and no more than two students should be involved with each entry. All crystals must be grown at their respective institutions, under the supervision of a teacher. Based on common scientific practices, students should record all their experiments in a logbook. All students are required to follow the appropriate safety procedures.
On the event day, the participants have to display the poster, the crystal and the logbook for the judges to evaluate. Prizes : First, second, third and meritorious prizes will be awarded for each category and further two more awards may be presented for the best display & creativity (Poster and crystal display) and the biggest single crystal.
Contact | Professor J.J. Vittal chmjjv@nus.edu.sg |
URL | http://www.chemistry.nus.edu.sg/events/CommunityOutreach/ncgc/announce.htm |
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