Event Name | 4th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (4th PYCheM) |
Start Date | 29th Apr 2014 |
End Date | 1st May 2014 |
Duration | 3 days |
Description | The main ambition of the 4th PYCheM is diffusion of scientific work in chemistry between young researchers in Portugal and abroad. It is also intended to emphasize the bond between fundamental scientific research and its applicability in Industry by pointing to new professional opportunities and motivating the enterprising spirit of the participants. In addition to projecting and deepening the interest in chemistry in the society, this congress aims to reinforce the development of working networks between the young researchers, promoting their communication and work capabilities. This conference will be privileged with the honorable presence of two Nobel Laureates: Dr Aaron Ciechanover and Dr Ada Yonath, Nobel Laureates in Chemistry in 2004 and 2009, respectively. Portuguese speakers include Professors Maria João Romão, Elvira Fortunato and João Rocha. |
Location | Coimbra Portugal |
Contact | Ana Luisa Carvalho almc@fct.unl.pt |
URL | http://4pychem.eventos.chemistry.pt |
Category | conferences |