Event Name | Crystallography for the next generation: the legacy of IYCr |
Start Date | 23rd Apr 2015 |
End Date | 24th Apr 2015 |
Duration | 2 days |
Description |
In keeping with our desire to continue many of the initiatives undertaken this past year, the IUCr have decided to hold an "IYCr legacy" conference in lieu of a "Closing" ceremony for the International Year of Crystallography. This conference is aimed at reviewing all the activities associated with IYCr - all that has been (and is being) done, what was successful, what was not so successful, etc. - and discussing how to transform the activities into long-term sustainable actions. The conference, entitled "Crystallography for the next generation: the legacy of IYCr", will focus on the achievements and problems encountered during IYCr2014 in order to determine which initiatives will be worth transforming into sustainable long-term actions with benefits for the crystallographic community. Therefore, sessions will be scheduled about:
Participation is free but registration is needed.
Location | Rabat Morocco |
Contact | Michele Zema mz@iucr.org |
URL | http://www.iycr2014.org/legacy/conference |
Category | conferences |