Event Name | Crystallography from Laue and Bragg to Nowadays |
Start Date | 10th Oct 2014 |
End Date | 10th Oct 2014 |
Duration | 1 day |
Description | As part of the celebrations for the International Year of Crystallography 2014, Acad. Gligor Jovanovski delivered a 45 min lecture entitled: “Crystallography from Laue and Bragg to Nowadays” at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA), on the occasion of the celebrations for its 47th anniversary. The presentation comprised a brief explanation of the basic principles of crystallography as well as contained retrospectives of the Nobel Laureates whose findings connected and/or correlated with Crystallography reshaped our understanding and knowledge in the fields of Chemistry, Physics and Physiology or Medicine. At the end, a brief explanation of the achievements of the members of Crystallography Group in Macedonia was given. The interested readers can freely download the presentation in pdf format (in Macedonian). |
Location | Skopje Macedonia |
Contact | Petre Makreski petremak@pmf.ukim.mk |
URL | http://manu.edu.mk/en/news-events/gallery?id=383 |
Category | lectures |