Event Name | The 235th SPring-8 Seminar |
Start Date | 25th Jun 2014 2:00pm |
End Date | 25th Jun 2014 3:00pm |
Duration | 1 hour |
Description |
As part of the celebrations for the International Year of Crystallography at SPring-8, Prof Claude Lecomte from CRM2, CNRS-Université de Lorraine and Vice-President of the IUCr, will give a lecture at the SPring-8 Kamitsubo Hall titled "First spin resolved density maps: a joint X-ray neutron and polarized neutron refinement". Abstract: Prof. Claude Lecomte will give a talk about the first experimental determination of spin-resolved electron density obtained by a combined treatment of X-ray, neutron and polarized neutron diffraction data. Topological analysis of the resulting experimental spin-resolved electron density is also briefly discussed. Organizer: Akihiko Fujiwara (fujiwara@spring8.or.jp) |
Location | Hyogo Japan |
Contact | Akihiko Fujiwara fujiwara@spring8.or.jp |
URL | http://www.spring8.or.jp/en/science/meetings/2014/sp8_seminar/sp8_semi_235/ |
Category | seminars |