Event Name | Kashiwa Library, The 3rd Science Café Event “A process until artificial DNA is produced from the crystal of DNA” |
Start Date | 23rd Jul 2014 4:00pm |
End Date | 23rd Jul 2014 5:00pm |
Duration | 1 hour |
Description | The 3rd Science Café Event at the Kashiwa Library will focus on “A process until artificial DNA is produced from the crystal of DNA” Speaker: Mr. Takeshi WADA, Professor of Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences (Graduate School of Frontier Science, the University of Tokyo) Program Host: Yoshiyuki AMEMIYA, the director of the library(Professor of Graduate School of Frontier Science, the University of Tokyo) Capacity: 25 persons Fare: free Application: Reservation is not required |
Location | Chiba Prefecture Japan |
Contact | Sakurako ICHIMURA kashiwar@lib.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
URL | http://www.lib.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kashiwa/index.html |
Category | lectures |