The National Seminar on Crystallography (43A) will be held at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali during 28-30 March, 2014.

The year 2014 is being celebrated as the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr2014) to mark 100 years since the award of Nobel Prize to Max von Laue for the discovery of X-ray diffractionby by crystals. This national seminar at IISER Mohali will be the first of the three national seminars to be held in India in 2014. The National Programme Committee and the Local Organizing Committee are in the process of organizing this conference with the help of various funding agencies. The scientists, post-docs and the students working in the different areas of crystallography in the country will be able to present their exciting results and will be able to exchange their idea to enrich their view and knowledge. The conference will have equally balanced oral and poster presentations in the areas of macromolecular and small molecule crystallography and the application of crystallography in materials science. The seminar is supported by the Indian Crystallographic Association.
Download the conference flyer