Event Name | Meet The Scientist programme |
Start Date | 22nd Dec 2014 11:00am |
End Date | 24th Dec 2014 5:30pm |
Duration | 2 days, 6 hours and 30 minutes |
ORANGE CITY SCIENCE FAIR-2014 Programme1. Working Science Model/Kit Competition, 22 to 24 December 2014, 11.00 am to 5.00 pmStudents have to make small, cost effective model or kit. It should be working in nature. It should demonstrate any one scientific principle of Physics / Chemistry / Biology. Model / Kit should not exceed than the size three feet by two feet. Students will be provided 220V A.C. electric supply if needed. Only one student can participate per model / kit. Maximum of 3 entries will be accepted per school. This competition is for the students of class VII to X. Students have to report with their models on 21 December between 3.00 pm and 5.00 pm. The students have to be present with their models & demonstrate from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm for all the three days. Students will be suitably awarded. Robotics Models will not be accepted during this fair as separate event Robo-olympics is organised by the centre in February. 2.Teaching Aid Demonstration, 22 to 24 December 2014, 11.00 am to 5.00 pmIn this, two teachers can participate from each school. Teaching aid should exhibit any one scientific principle of Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Mathematics. Size of the teaching Aid should not exceed than the size of 3 x 2 feet. Teachers have to report on 21st December between 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm. They have to be present with their teaching aid from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm for all the three days for demonstration. 3. Meet the Scientists: 22 December 2014, 11.00 am to 12.30 pm.In this, a panel of Scientists will be available for the students. The students of class VIII & IX can ask questions pertaining to Crystallography. Students of class VII to IX can participate. Questions may be collected from the students on the given topic and send it along with registration form till 17th December, 2014. The Scientists will satisfy the queries of the students. 4. Written Science Quiz (22.12.2014 at 3.00 pm)This contest is divided in two groups: Middle School (V to VII) & High School (VIII to X). Max. of 5 students can take part in each group. The students will be provided question paper. The topic of the contest is General Science for Middle School and Crystallography for High School Group. 5. SDL on Fun with ChemistryThe Science Demonstration Lectures will be organized on the topic “Fun with Chemistry”. Demonstration will be given by the Centre on 23rd December 2014 at 3.00 pm 6. Open House Quest (24.12.2014 at 3.30 pm)Students will be shown the experiments in physics. Questions related to the experiments will be asked to the students. Successful participants will be awarded suitably on the spot. Only students of class VII to IX can participate. Max. of 5 students/school will be allowed. 7. Poster Making Competition:Student of class VII to IX can participate. Interested students can prepare their poster on the theme “Crystals that shape our Life” & submit it till 17th December, 2014. Poster should be made on a mount board of size 13.5 inch x 19.5 inch. Participants must write their full name & school name along with his/her residential phone no. on the reverse of the poster. The posters will be exhibited during the celebration. Max. of 5 students can participate from each school. 8. Prizes will be awarded to the winning students on 24.12.2014 at 4.30 PMPLEASE NOTE THAT LAST DATE OF REGISTRATION IS 17.12.2014. Interested students may submit entries either through submission of pro-forma duly filled in or mail to rscnagpur.education@gmail.com or by fax to 07122735800. Members can send individual entries. The venue for all above contest & programmes is Raman Science Centre Nagpur Schools are also requested to send students to visit Working Science Model & Teaching Aid Exhibition in large number during the period given above. Entry to this exhibition is free. Contact 2735800, 2770187 for any query and intimation about your visit to the Exhibition. |
Location | Nagpur India |
Contact | Vilas Chaudhari vdcrsc123@gmail.com |
URL | www.rscnagpur.gov.in |
Category | activities for schoolchildren |