Event Name | Celebration of International year of Crystallography 2014 |
Start Date | 21st Nov 2014 10:00am |
End Date | 21st Nov 2014 1:00pm |
Duration | 3 hours |
Description | A special lecture is arranged to celebrate the International Year of Crystallography [IYCr2014] on 21-11-2014 at the Dept. of Physics of Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya [SCSVMV UNIVERSITY], Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu state, India. Prof. Dr. M.N. Ponnusamy, CSIR-Emeritus Scientist from Centre for Advanced Studies in Crystallography, University of Madras, Chennai will be the resource person to deliver a talk on "Cyrstallography and its Applications". Prof. Dr.K. Venkatramanan, Head of the Department of Physics, SCSVMV University will be the Convener of the programme. |
Location | Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu state India |
Contact | Dr.K.Venkatramanan kv@kanchiuniv.ac.in |
URL | http://www.kanchiuniv.ac.in |
Category | lectures |