Event Name | World Earth Day Conferences |
Start Date | 22nd Apr 2014 8:00am |
End Date | 24th Apr 2014 3:00pm |
Duration | 2 days and 7 hours |
Description | The Department of Geology at San Carlos University in Coban Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, celebrate World Earth Day next April 22 2014, with the UNESCO/IUCr theme:
International Year of Crystallography - A fascinating look at the Crystalline Material and its Nature The activity will consist of a series of special lectures and labs by university professionals and aimed to teachers and students in the physics and chemistry areas at High Schools from Coban City. |
Location | Cobán Guatemala |
Contact | Juanangel Díaz geoprofesional@gmail.com |
URL | http://geocunor.jimdo.com/ |
Category | lectures |