Event Name | One-day seminar on IYCr, 294th Rozhovory |
Start Date | 23rd Apr 2014 9:00am |
End Date | 23rd Apr 2014 6:00pm |
Duration | 9 hours |
Description | A one-day symposium dedicated to IYCr2014 in the Czech Republic, organized within the traditional series of seminars called Rozhovory (already at its 294th edition). The workshop is open to the general public and teachers from secondary schools. A meeting with journalists is included. The programme will show a wide scope of modern crystallography with attractive applications in very different fields (biology, pharmacy, physics, materials science, art, forensic science, industry etc.). |
Location | Prague Czech Republic |
Contact | Radomir Kuzel kuzel@karlov.mff.cuni.cz |
URL | http://www.xray.cz/rozhovory/r294_en.htm |
Category | symposia |