Event Name | 293rd Rozhovory seminar |
Start Date | 11th Feb 2014 9:30am |
End Date | 11th Feb 2014 4:00pm |
Duration | 6 hours and 30 minutes |
Description | Traditional one-day Rozhovory seminar (Discussions on problems of X-ray and neutron structure analysis), already at its 293rd edition. These seminars started in 1954! This time it is organized in a recently founded Institute of Nanomaterials, Advanced technologies and Innovations at TU Liberec, Northern Bohemia. The opening of the meeting will be dedicated to the International Year of Crystallography. The full programme is available at the website. The 293rd Rozhovory is the first joint meeting of the Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Associations in 2014. |
Location | Liberec Czech Republic |
Contact | Nikolaj Ganev nikolaj.ganev@fjfi.cvut.cz |
URL | http://www.xray.cz/xray/csca/r293_en.htm |
Category | seminars |