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All projects and events in Latin America

This is a concise listing of all major projects and calendar events (past and future) associated with the International Year of Crystallography 2014 in this region.

Art and crystals San Carlos de Bariloche Esta pintura se inspira en el tema de la cristalografía en la metamorfosis de un cristal de cuarzo y un diseño de simetría radial con terminaciones agudas. La técnica se aplica con pintura acrílica. Sus dimensiones son de 52 cm x 63 cm.
Art Contest cristalizARTE: Cuando el arte se encuentra con la ciencia Art contest organised by the Argentinian Crystallography Association, aimed at artists of all ages to be inspired by crystallography.
Digital book on X-ray physics A book on how X-rays are used in structural determination of materials, including single molecules, SAXS, nanoparticles, polimers, amorphous, complex systems, powders, single crystals and protein crystals.
Argentina: National Crystal Growing Competition for High Schools / Concurso de Crecimiento de Cristales para Colegios Secundarios The Argentinian Association of Crystallography ("Asociación Argentina de Cristalografía", AACr) has launched a Crystal Growing Competition to be held during June-October 2014 among Argentinian high school students.
Uruguay: Concurso Nacional de Crecimiento de Cristales Crystal Growth competition for schoolchildren and general public in Uruguay.
Concurso de Crecimiento de Cristales para estudiantes y público en general en Uruguay.

19th Aug 2013 II Curso de Análise de Minerais / Minérios pelas Técnicas de DRX e FRX Fortaleza
18th Sep 2013 21th Meeting of the Brazilian Crystallographic Association Physics Institute - Federal University of Goiás, Campus Samambaia, Goiania
1st Oct 2013 TWAS 24th General Meeting Buenos Aires
28th Oct 2013 Second Workshop of the AACr: Neutron Scattering Techniques for Materials Science Córdoba
29th Oct 2013 First Latin American Crystallography Meeting Córdoba
11th Nov 2013 I Curso Online do Método Rietveld Fortaleza
19th Jan 2014 Structural and biophysical methods for biological macromolecules in solution São Paulo
27th Jan 2014 School of crystallization and polymorphism San José
18th Feb 2014 III Encuentro de Cristalografía Lima
20th Feb 2014 Growing crystals for teachers Bariloche
8th Apr 2014 Macromolecular Crystallography School "From data processing to structure refinement and beyond" Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, USP-SP
22nd Apr 2014 World Earth Day Conferences Cobán
27th Apr 2014 ISFC 2014 La Plata
29th Apr 2014 One day Symposium on Recent Applications of X-ray Crystallography Mexico City
5th May 2014 Agilent OpenLab Argentina La Plata and Buenos Aires
12th May 2014 Jornadas de Investigación y Extensión de la Facultad de Ciencias UCV Caracas
14th May 2014 IX Encuentro Mirandino de Ciencia y Tecnología Caracas
15th May 2014 Structural Characterization of Materials using X-ray Diffraction of Polycrystalline Samples Caracas
15th May 2014 Guided Exhibition of Crystals and X-Ray Diffraction equipment Caracas, ICT Facultad de Ciencias, UCV
19th May 2014 Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit Montevideo
19th May 2014 Semana de la Ciencia y la Tencnología (Sci & Tech week) Uruguay (all the country)
23rd May 2014 IV Workshop of Applied Crystallography to Materials Science and Engineering Vitória - ES
5th Jun 2014 Taller Alvaro Reynoso (Workshop Alvaro Reynoso) Santiago de Cuba
23rd Jun 2014 Caracterización de Materiales Policristalinos mediante Técnicas de Difracción de Rayos X Merida
29th Jun 2014 Mocos y Cristales San Luis Potosí
23rd Jul 2014 Bruker OpenLab Uruguay Montevideo
28th Aug 2014 Impacto da Cristalografia nas Diferentes Áreas da Ciencia iNSTITUTO DE QUÍMICA/UNESP ARARAQUARA
19th Sep 2014 Exposición cristalizARTE San Carlos de Bariloche
22nd Sep 2014 Latin American Summit Meeting on Biological Crystallography and Complementary Methods Campinas, SP
9th Oct 2014 Ciclo de Conferencias del Año Internacional de la Cristalografía Montevideo
12th Oct 2014 2014 International Symposium on Crystallography – 100 Years of History Fortaleza
27th Oct 2014 Rigaku OpenLab Colombia Bucaramanga
12th Nov 2014 Cristales, Bragg commemorative exhibition Bogotá
18th Nov 2014 PANalytical OpenLab Mexico Mexico City
26th Nov 2014 Geocrystals: A Journey to the World of Minerals Valdivia
27th Nov 2014 International Year of Crystallography at the Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
29th Nov 2014 Stars Night 2014: Crystals in Universe, .Earth and Life 43 cities
2nd Dec 2014 Workshop de Cristalografia Brasil São Paulo
12th Dec 2014 Primer Encuentro de la Red Uruguaya de Cristalografía/First Meeting of the Red Uruguaya de Cristalografía Montevideo
29th Sep 2015 PANalytical OpenLab Mexico 2 Puebla
23rd Feb 2016 Bruker OpenLab Uruguay 2 Montevideo
12th Sep 2016 Rigaku OpenLab Bolivia La Paz