Art and crystals San Carlos de Bariloche Esta pintura se inspira en el tema de la cristalografía en la metamorfosis de un cristal de cuarzo y un diseño de simetría radial con terminaciones agudas. La técnica se aplica con pintura acrílica. Sus dimensiones son de 52 cm x 63 cm.
Art Contest cristalizARTE: Cuando el arte se encuentra con la ciencia Art contest organised by the Argentinian Crystallography Association, aimed at artists of all ages to be inspired by crystallography.
Digital book on X-ray physics A book on how X-rays are used in structural determination of materials, including single molecules, SAXS, nanoparticles, polimers, amorphous, complex systems, powders, single crystals and protein crystals.
Argentina: National Crystal Growing Competition for High Schools / Concurso de Crecimiento de Cristales para Colegios Secundarios The Argentinian Association of Crystallography ("Asociación Argentina de Cristalografía", AACr) has launched a Crystal Growing Competition to be held during June-October 2014 among Argentinian high school students.
Uruguay: Concurso Nacional de Crecimiento de Cristales Crystal Growth competition for schoolchildren and general public in Uruguay.
Concurso de Crecimiento de Cristales para estudiantes y público en general en Uruguay.
19th Aug 2013 |
II Curso de Análise de Minerais / Minérios pelas Técnicas de DRX e FRX Fortaleza |
18th Sep 2013 |
21th Meeting of the Brazilian Crystallographic Association Physics Institute - Federal University of Goiás, Campus Samambaia, Goiania |
1st Oct 2013 |
TWAS 24th General Meeting Buenos Aires |
28th Oct 2013 |
Second Workshop of the AACr: Neutron Scattering Techniques for Materials Science Córdoba |
29th Oct 2013 |
First Latin American Crystallography Meeting Córdoba |
11th Nov 2013 |
I Curso Online do Método Rietveld Fortaleza |
19th Jan 2014 |
Structural and biophysical methods for biological macromolecules in solution São Paulo |
27th Jan 2014 |
School of crystallization and polymorphism San José |
18th Feb 2014 |
III Encuentro de Cristalografía Lima |
20th Feb 2014 |
Growing crystals for teachers Bariloche |
8th Apr 2014 |
Macromolecular Crystallography School "From data processing to structure refinement and beyond" Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, USP-SP |
22nd Apr 2014 |
World Earth Day Conferences Cobán |
27th Apr 2014 |
ISFC 2014 La Plata |
29th Apr 2014 |
One day Symposium on Recent Applications of X-ray Crystallography Mexico City |
5th May 2014 |
Agilent OpenLab Argentina La Plata and Buenos Aires |
12th May 2014 |
Jornadas de Investigación y Extensión de la Facultad de Ciencias UCV Caracas |
14th May 2014 |
IX Encuentro Mirandino de Ciencia y Tecnología Caracas |
15th May 2014 |
Structural Characterization of Materials using X-ray Diffraction of Polycrystalline Samples Caracas |
15th May 2014 |
Guided Exhibition of Crystals and X-Ray Diffraction equipment Caracas, ICT Facultad de Ciencias, UCV |
19th May 2014 |
Exhibición Especial de Cristales y Estructuras, Crystals and strucures special exhibit Montevideo |
19th May 2014 |
Semana de la Ciencia y la Tencnología (Sci & Tech week) Uruguay (all the country) |
23rd May 2014 |
IV Workshop of Applied Crystallography to Materials Science and Engineering Vitória - ES |
5th Jun 2014 |
Taller Alvaro Reynoso (Workshop Alvaro Reynoso) Santiago de Cuba |
23rd Jun 2014 |
Caracterización de Materiales Policristalinos mediante Técnicas de Difracción de Rayos X Merida |
29th Jun 2014 |
Mocos y Cristales San Luis Potosí |
23rd Jul 2014 |
Bruker OpenLab Uruguay Montevideo |
28th Aug 2014 |
Impacto da Cristalografia nas Diferentes Áreas da Ciencia iNSTITUTO DE QUÍMICA/UNESP ARARAQUARA |
19th Sep 2014 |
Exposición cristalizARTE San Carlos de Bariloche |
22nd Sep 2014 |
Latin American Summit Meeting on Biological Crystallography and Complementary Methods Campinas, SP |
9th Oct 2014 |
Ciclo de Conferencias del Año Internacional de la Cristalografía Montevideo |
12th Oct 2014 |
2014 International Symposium on Crystallography – 100 Years of History Fortaleza |
27th Oct 2014 |
Rigaku OpenLab Colombia Bucaramanga |
12th Nov 2014 |
Cristales, Bragg commemorative exhibition Bogotá |
18th Nov 2014 |
PANalytical OpenLab Mexico Mexico City |
26th Nov 2014 |
Geocrystals: A Journey to the World of Minerals Valdivia |
27th Nov 2014 |
International Year of Crystallography at the Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais |
29th Nov 2014 |
Stars Night 2014: Crystals in Universe, .Earth and Life 43 cities |
2nd Dec 2014 |
Workshop de Cristalografia Brasil São Paulo |
12th Dec 2014 |
Primer Encuentro de la Red Uruguaya de Cristalografía/First Meeting of the Red Uruguaya de Cristalografía Montevideo |
29th Sep 2015 |
PANalytical OpenLab Mexico 2 Puebla |
23rd Feb 2016 |
Bruker OpenLab Uruguay 2 Montevideo |
12th Sep 2016 |
Rigaku OpenLab Bolivia La Paz |