Delivery is worldwide
1. Click on the above link to go to the website (it will open in a new window).
2. Click on the ADD DESIGN button.
3. Create a new user account with (or login if already registered).
4. Follow the link Click here to start shopping. (Steps 2-4 can be skipped on subsequent visits.)
5. Hover cursor over SHOP BY PRODUCT and make your choice of product/style. Additional filtering can be performed on the left-hand side of the page.
6. Select colour, size etc. and add to basket using the BUY NOW buttons.
7. Select YOUR BASKET to customise your order.
8. The CREATE AND CHOOSE CUSTOMISATIONS step allows you to apply the IYCR2014 logo up to three times on each garment.
9. Place the logo(s) as desired in the ASSIGN POSITIONS AND PREVIEW step. If desired, you may also add personalised names or numbers to the garment in this step.
10. Proceed to SELECT DELIVERY OPTIONS and fill in your personal details and delivery address. Important: tick the second box to confirm your legal right to use the IYCr2014 logo.
11. Continue to select dispatch speed, provide billing details and review order
12. Place order