We, the undersigned, commit

resolutionAs the final formal action of the International Year of Crystallography, after reviewing the worldwide accomplishments and achievements in the Conference "Crystallography for the next generation", the IUCr has released a resolution with a forward-looking focus on how to sustain momentum and build on the success of the Year.

The resolution has been signed so far by representatives of the IUCr, UNESCO, TWAS, ICSU Regional Office for Africa, IUBMB and IUPAP. The organisations signing the resolution commit, through a number of activities, to (i) enhance the stature of crystallography, (ii) build capacity in developing regions of the world and (iii) extend further the public understanding of science in general and crystallography in particular.

The full text of the resolution is available here.

We invite individuals to add their own private endorsement of the actions and goals set out in the IYCr2014 Legacy Resolution by completing the form at http://www.iycr2014.org/declarations/legacy-endorsement.

I, the undersigned, endorse the actions and goals set out in the IYCr2014 Legacy Resolution.

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